
Oct 26, 2011 11:59

Wow. It has been an amazingly long time since I've posted here... So... For anyone who still actually reads this, I guess I'm coming out of my little hiding place back into the wider wild world of the internet. Hopefully getting back into forum RPing, since I've been strictly one-on-one for a number of years now... Mostly because everything in my life now is sort of starting to straighten out now and I /do/ want to expand my social circle. I keep popping onto a certain RP ranting LJ and seeing a wide variety of awesome people and thinking 'They seem nice!' so... Go me? Maybe?

Other then that, my birthday is coming up soon. Feels so... very very weird. I'm less then a month from being able to legally drink alcohol... Dangit Peter Pan, you were supposed to have shown /up/ by now...

Looking for work, getting into school, learning to drive (still haven't done that. I should not be behind the wheel... I'm really only doing it so I can get myself a nice little scooter and put along at a /blazing/ 15 MPH...)

So. Go me.
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