Mar 20, 2008 15:50
There's this new show coming on WE. I keep seeing commercials for it, though we don't even have that channel anymore. At first I was like I am totally not ever going to watch that because I've always been glad I never went to high school. I've only seen a glimpse of what girls are like at that age and I do not like it. I don't want to be around it, I don't want to see it, hear or know anything about it.
I'm not a hypocrite. I know I've made poor decisions but I feel I've done a decent job keeping my morals in line.
I watched a couple videos of the show on the website, since I don't have the channel.
I couldn't believe some of the things I heard and saw.
They watched 12 girls and their friends and siblings. In the 4 years, 3 girls got pregnant. I know one of them was one of the 12 girls. One was a sister. The other one I don't know. Could have been another one of the 12.
The first video was made by a girl on the show and her friends. They all stayed in a house with no adults. The main girls said "It's a house with no adult supervision, a place where we really feel like a family together. It's a very loving house." They asked each other questions like Do you drink? Do you smoke? Do you do drugs? Have you ever had sex? Do you have sex a lot? Have you ever had sex with a random person? Have you ever had an orgy?
All the answers were yes. A lot. All the time.
They were actually drinking and smoking while asking these questions.
They showed the two beds that they pushed together in the basement that they called the orgy room. One of the girls was laying topless on one of the beds with someone drawing on her back with a sharpie. The main girls was interviewing her and asked what was next on the agenda and the girl said "hopefully having sex with rod", one of the other friends in the house.
The next video was a girl on the show and her parents. Her mother was telling the cameras about a conversation she had with her daughter about oral sex. She said her daughter told her most people her age felt like oral sex was something that naturally came after kissing. The young girl said she thinks that it's wrong for girls to have oral sex with a guy that they just meet at a party, and she knows girls who've done that. She went on to say that she does think it's ok to do it when you like someone and you've been dating them for a while. The interviewer asked her how long is a while. She said "I don't know, maybe a month."
How did we get to this point?