Oct 08, 2007 09:27
Needless to say, things with stan didn't work out. He can't handle the guilt he feels loving me while being married to another. She has cancer, and I have to wonder if THAT has more to do with his feelings than he'll admit to.
I'm not faulting him, as he is doing what he has to for himself. He's doing the right thing. He said that he felt he was making progress in his marriage albeit slowly, but was certain he and his wife would make even more. I wished him well with it. I know its' hard to work that way to save what you have...I reminded him that he needs to think about having some support in place when she does pass. We ALL will, but he's in love with her, and she seems to not care about fighting for her life. I hope that changes and she sees what a wonderful man she married. (be the first time ever, too)
This quadruple ending opened up all sorts of pain for me. I wish it could've been different. He was the perfect submissive for me. Shame it wasn't meant to be.