Oct 07, 2007 09:10
Friday is jeans day at the not so ok corral. I pulled them on thinking "ewwww these might be tight"... I found that not only did they slide on, but I could move the button over THREE plus inches!! AND, I fit my hand inside past the elbow!! They bagged right off me. Shame in a way, because I've a matching embroidered and sequinned jacket that now is a moot point. I'll have to think about taking them to hte tailor to be taken in.
I bought a skirt in a size LARGE yesterday!! OMG who'da thunk it!!?? I had fun at Kohl's with dresses, skirts, tees....and a pair of pants that are too small still. Since I threw out my scale I have only my measuring tape to gauge losses. My hips are down 7", my waist down 5" and sadly, I'm losing my chest too. That's hte only disappointment for me. It took an extra 200 fat ones to GET tits....and now I'm givin' em up. (ok...honestly? I'm not minding so much) :D