Um, guys?
Here's the thing: I don't spend as much time on the intarwebs as I used to (I'm sure the 8 or so of you who still check my journal realize this) and consequently, I was totes unspoiled for the finale.
Oh, also, I am PMSing like a mofo.
And my heart? FUCKING BROKEN.
I figured Owen was probably going to depart by the end of the season, because as much fun as it is having Canon!Zombie characters on a show, there was only so much they could do with that storyline. And I liked Owen okay, but, you know, whatevs.
But Tosh? They killed my Tosh? Man, she had really grown on me this season (she was totally my favorite nonIanto character). Naoko Mori did such an amazing job of infusing the character with this wistful sweetness, so that I never found myself getting frustrated with her mooning over Owen. I always hoped she'd get her man. Or even better, that she'd realize he was an emotional cripple, and get it on with Jack and Ianto instead. Now she'll never have the chance. Sniffle. Poor girl.
I think I have to lie down for a while. My spirit is bruised.
And if anyone wants to send me some glue so that I can start patching together my BROKEN FUCKING HEART, that would be swell.