I hate People!

May 17, 2008 17:32

What kind of sick son of a bitch robs a sickly elderly lady while she's laid up in the hospital?!?! Sometime this morning some one took my mom's cell phone from her hospital room while she was asleep in bed! The phone was fairly high end if a little out dated. It had all her contacts in it plus picture of her kids, grandkids, and family, not to mention the pictures my brother sent from Iraq. It's just a damn good thing Matt's back from Iraq as that was the only phone we had that would accept calls from overseas!
God this sucks!! It's a real sick thing to do! Plus they had to be snooping through her things because the phone was tucked away in a draw with her mp3 player (at least they weren't smart enough to take that, it's worth far more then the phone) and book. Normally I'm not violent but the person that took her phone outta get their asses kicked!!! Stealing from anyone is a horrible thing to do but some one who's sick in the hospital? I don't think I can properly word my anger and outrage at this!!!
I hope this person gets hit by a car!!!
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