This article made me absolutely pissed. I'm Christian, leaning towards Catholicism. There's much about this religion that I admire, that I even love...but the gender divide has always frustrated me. I never realize that I'm a feminist (if a moderate, and usually hidden one), until I come across something like this...
There's one, unspoken, underlining question that I keep hoping he would answer, yet he never addressed:
What IS the difference between men and women? This speech suggests that at least part of the difference is that woman should stay home with the family, whereas that is not the man's responsbility
THAT, is where I have issues.
His tone is reconcilitory, even friendly...he does claim that woman should be able to work, but undermines that by adding, "Those who choose to work should be granted an appropriate work schedule and 'not have to choose between relinquishing their family life or enduring continual stress,' the message to bishops said." The assumption here is that a woman's first priority is to take care of the family--that the household is her first and primary realm, even if she holds a career. Her career, unlike her husbands, must be secondary to her family.
So why the heck can't it be the other way around? Given, in the vast majority of households that has only one working parent, it is the father who works, and the mother who stays home with the kids. My argument is that there is no philosophical necessity for it to be this way--merely the usual structure of biological drives, and psychological imprinting from society. for the 90% of households that likes it this way--that's great. But it is the wrong message to send, for any authority to claim that it must necessarily be this way. There are many MEN who can raise a household as well or better than his wife--and perhaps his wife is the one who performs better, or enjoys the workplace.
When feminist demand equal rights for woman in the workplace, what they really demand, I think, is truly equal opportunity--a society that does not ignore obvious gender differences, but also does not penalitize one gender according to a stereotype of what she can and cannot do. We ask for the opportunity to choose--choose economical freedom, choose a fulfilling career, or choose to stay with a family according to traditional values. We are not arguing for the old system to be abolished, merely broadened, to include the many modern women who feel uncomfortable within the old system.
Some of us will always be happy as stay-at-home mothers. Kudos to them--and to their families. Some of us, myself include, believe that our happiness lies within a more public sphere--that our deepest contributions might be to society as a whole, rather than our families in particular. We too, ask for the right--and the chance--to prove our worth.
We are women--young, modern, opportunistic--but we are humans first.
(below is the article that I'm responding to)
VATICAN CITY - The Vatican on Saturday denounced feminism for trying to blur differences between men and women and threatening the institution of families based on a mother and a father.
The drive for equality, the Vatican said, makes “homosexuality and heterosexuality virtually equivalent, in a new model of polymorphous sexuality.”
The concerns, raised in a 37-page document written by one of Pope John Paul II’s closest aides, broke no new ground, maintaining the Church’s ban on women priests, for example.
But some observers said they feared how the document might be used.
Professor Paul Lakeland, an expert on the Catholic Church at Fairfield University in Connecticut, said the paper could be used by Church conservatives to condemn any form of advocacy for women.
The pamphlet by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the Vatican’s orthodoxy watchdog, was published during a Vatican campaign to protect what it terms the Christian family. Earlier salvos have blasted same-sex marriage and appeals to politicians, regardless of their religion, to prevent them from winning legal recognition.
Addressed to bishops worldwide, the document contended that new recent approaches to women’s issues are marked by a tendency “to emphasize strongly conditions of subordination in order to give rise to antagonism: women, in order to be themselves, must make themselves the adversaries of men.”
Such an attitude, the document said, “has its most immediate and lethal effects in the structure of the family.”
The document also said that feminism “in order to avoid the dominance of one sex or the other, their differences tend to be denied ... . The obscuring of the difference or duality of the sexes has enormous consequences.”
These consequences, it said, included calling “into question the family, in its natural two-parent structure of mother and father,” giving homosexual and heterosexual couples on an equivalent status.
The document also took issue with a “certain type of feminist rhetoric” that makes “demands ‘for ourselves.”’
Pope's admiration for women
Throughout his 25 years as pope, John Paul has repeatedly expressed his admiration for women and their talents, and the document reflected that.
It said women should not be stigmatized or penalized financially for wanting to be homemakers. It also said women “should be present in the world of work and ... have access to positions of responsibility which allow them to inspire the politics of nations and to promote innovative solutions to economic and social problems.”
Those who choose to work should be granted an appropriate work schedule and “not have to choose between relinquishing their family life or enduring continual stress,” the message to bishops said.
The Rev. Thomas Reese, a commentator on the Catholic church, in an e-mailed statement noted that “although most American feminists would express their theology differently from the Vatican, on the practical level, they are on the same page (in terms of equality in education, politics, workplace) except on abortion and women priests.”
Catholic teaching forbids abortion.
“While most people in the U.S. think in psychological and sociological terms, the Vatican thinks and talks in philosophical and theological terms which most Americans find difficult to understand,” said Reese, who is editor of America, a Jesuit magazine.
The document also expressed the Vatican’s concern that blurring of differences between sexes could pose a challenge to church teaching, including the belief, in a reference to Christ, that “the Son of God assumed human nature in its male form.”
“From the first moment of their creation, man and woman are different, and will remain so for eternity,” the document said.
Many Italian politicians pay close attention to the pronouncements of the Catholic Church, with its headquarters a few minutes away from the Italian parliament.
“This document is welcome,” said Riccardo Pedrizzi, who deals with family policy in National Alliance, a right-wing party in Premier Silvio Berlusconi’s conservative coalition. “Economic and legal measures that allow women to freely choose if she wants to go to work outside the home or if she wants to carry out her top-level job inside the family are essential,” Pedrizzi was quoted as saying by the Italian news agency ANSA.
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