tears of a clown

Oct 21, 2010 21:19

Things What Have Happened This Week:

1 This weekend, I got a visit from my Haverfriend Brynne (who I don't see NEARLY enough, considering how close Philly still is) and got to meet her friend Kellie IRL for the first time (we've chatted through twitter and the occasional gchat session for the past few months, and she's splendid), who'd come into town for a conference. We did many touristy things, ate lots of delicious food (including some darn fine Ethiopian in Georgetown), and rewatched an episode of Matt Smith's Hair Doctor Who. It was fab, except for how it was EXHAUSTING and I had to go back to work on Monday.

2 Sunday night, I got to bring K to the Folger for her FIRST EVER experience of live Shakespeare. We saw their new production of Henry VIII, and while I probably wouldn't have picked that play for someone's first exposure to Shakes in the theatre, she really loved it. As for me? I think that the production can't hide that it's not a very good play, but they did have some clever ways of engaging with the text that I enjoyed. Plus, you really can't deny that seeing an actor in full Tudor costume come onstage and do THE POSE is kind of kickass.

3 On Tuesday, I went with Prof Jazz Hands and one of my old TA friends to a screening of the Singalong Sound of Music. While I was HEARTBROKEN at the lack of people in habits or liederhosen, there was still a healthy crowd of fans there. It's a funny thing to be sitting in a theatre of 150 people, all LUSTILY singing along with 'The Lonely Goatherd' and 'Do Re Mi', and an experience I won't soon forget. What was ALSO interesting was the way in which people are building a communal experience akin to Rocky Horror. Callbacks to the movie were frequent and loud, although all made by individuals. When an idea caught on, it was quickly embraced, either with hoots of laughter or echoed back and carried on. I've read of some theatres were there already ARE set interactions or bags of props handed around, but this was different- this felt like a bunch of friends sitting together in a giant living room and responding naturally as a group. It was rather lovely. :)

4 Last night, I FINALLY got to see lazy_daze OH SAM WHY MUST YOU LEEEEEEEAVE US?????????? *ahem* Sam and Lucy came to meet me at Eastern Market after I got off work, and there was Matchbox and Tunnicliffs (basically, the sadcypress Great Hits of Eastern Market, sans a trip to Capitol Hill Books) and it wasn't NEARLY enough.

5 Today I was tired all day long. I had plenty of caffeine (coffee in the morning around 11AM, then a big Diet Coke at 1PM), but it never really made a difference. I fully intend to take advantage of having an evening at home by going to bed deliciously early. It doesn't help, of course, that I seem to be flirting with a cold this week. I've got Sudden Attack Cough- you know the one, where you're totally fine until BAM! you start hacking away violently until there are tears in your eyes. I also get stuffed up and sniffly while seated, which meant that two hours in our after school program hearing a lecture on how to deal with verse in Shakespeare got old REAL fast.

Plus, I am having a WEIRDO PROBLEM lately with Ferdinand (my laptop). While unplugged and running on battery power, he keep cutting out the sound on music and video after 45 seconds. If I tap a volume button, he instantly brings back the sound, but I cannot always be tapping volume keys! IT IS ANNOYING. Come on, Ferdinand. You can't smell the flowers if I CHUCK YOU IN A RIVER for being a pain.

all's well that ends well, haverford, i guess i'm cmk's bitch by proxy, henry viii, shakespeare, fuck yeah matt smith, theatre, geekiness, codpiece, friends

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