MAN OH MAN some days I feel like a nut a girl. I've been saying for the last 6 months that my next haircut would be a big change, one that would cut out all of the blue streaks that have slowly but surely turned to straw in the past 10 months. I resolved to take the plunge after my prospectus defense... but then forgot that I would be in the midst of finals hell, then traveling. WELL. I am done with the semester and back in DC, so there is no longer ANY EXCUSE.
Hence, I have been looking at hairstyles ALL MORNING. My head is SWIMMING with photos of celebrities which I've never heard of and I'm completely obsessed with
Hair Thursday. I am currently leaning towards something like
this- thoughts?
In OTHER, less girly news, I feel like I'm in SUCH a better place with my giant To-Do list of DOOM, even though there's a lot that's still unresolved. I sent off quite a few emails yesterday, most of which are still unanswered, BUT- that is not my fault! Not anymore! I found an email for the artistic director out at Blackfriars and asked if we could meet in January to talk about the company. I sent an email to Prof Big Cheese, asking what he was talking about in my defense when he said rehearsals were open to the public (it went kind of like this- WHAT YOU TALKIN' BOUT, BIG CHEESE??!). I emailed the Gilgamesh director and said, SO SORRY, but no I've talked with has indicated that we're going to find any success trying to hook up with someone from ANY branch of the Smithsonian for our panel.
In the good column, I ALSO emailed the ever-fabulous
emma_elicit to see if she could hook me up with any of the Blackfriars actors, who I need to interview for the Thesis of Doom, and SHE emailed right back because she is AWESOME LIKE THAT. ALSO? I get to work with my Shakespeare kids again this year! Back in my HTS days, I helped run the afternoon Shakespeare Performance Troupe for two years and it was a DREAM. I wasn't able to work with them in the last three semesters because of classes, but I was determined to make it happen this semester, come hell or high water. Then, because I am me, I never actually got around to talking to the director about it. But! Yesterday, he emailed ME asking for help if I was interested, to which I replied with a resounding HOMG YES PLEASE, albeit one more formally phrased. We're starting up next week and I am psyched, because best of all- my beloved first class of third graders are now SEVENTH GRADERS WTF, and so are eligible to perform this year. MAN OH MAN I love those kids, so my fingers are triply crossed that I'll get to hang out with them AND Shakespeare for the next three months.
2009 pretty much sucked on all counts. 2010 is already shaping up to be better. :)