I fear that this weekend has turned into one of those horribly unproductive ones without my realizing it before it was far too late.
Friday was Andrea's last hurrah down at the Royal Mile, where much revelry was had.
balefully came over for some MUCH NEEDED Dean Forester and we had an Eventful trip to the nearest IHOP, which sadly smelt of Jess Mariano's FACE.
Today, I've TRIED to read the book on the Globe, but I've been DISTRACTED by... um... Actually, I have no excuses. Now, I'm off to Prof Big Cheese's annual Department Shindiggity (my terminology) before cutting out early to see the IDR of the Folger's Arcadia, as directed by
westerly's ARCH NEMESIS Aaron Poser Posner.
While this all is LOVELY, I have NO IDEA when I'm going to finish all the work that has to happen before I leave for NYC on Thursday morning. I did, however, manage it all before Wincon in the fall, so I SHALL do it again. *is resolved!*