I have TEN PAGES on just 'The Henrys.' I have not REACHED, except peripherally, the actual 'Wars of the Roses' cycle. So. Um. Maybe Prof Big Cheese was right to push me to double the page requirement for this one.
Admittedly, the 'Roses' bit will not take nearly as long. Everything so far has been the tricky bits, of forming the company in the beginning and highlighting was makes them distinctive. Most of the fun stuff in the ESC comes out of the second tetralogy anyway- 'Fuck the Frogs' and paralleling contemporary politics, examples of the eclectic costuming (Gadshill FTW!), and so on. These all get repeated in 'Roses,' although it means I will get to use THIS giant and terrifying picture of Andrew Jarvis' Richard III:
Now with bonus Gadshill!
Bless the man. Apparently, he's a total sweetheart, but just looks and acts like a NUTTER.
ANYWAY. YES. This is me getting back to work.