come all you good people who'd hear a song

Apr 25, 2009 17:25

I am ROASTING inside my flat. It's 90 degrees outside, but the building hasn't switched over the AC from heat to cool, so there's nothing to be done but open the windows and hope for the best.

I'd just like to say that this would NEVER HAPPEN in Louisiana. Buildings with these weirdo AC systems that need days and days of work to switch over would have done so AGES ago, at the first sign of warm weather. As it is, they may or may not take the hint and start the ball rolling Monday morning. Today and Sunday are supposed to be the warmest all week, but I RATHER FEEL that if the building managers had to sit in their offices and swelter along with us, SOMETHING might be arranged.


In news of today, I had my CCS reaudition. As usual, it didn't go so well. *sigh* I got complimented on my mezzo sound, but then R asked if I was taking voice lessons. I said, no, not since high school, and he proceeded to comment on breathiness in my tone- to which the others in the room basically said OMG LOLZ YES THANK YOU, R, FOR MENTIONING IT. The effect of which came across as, You kind of suck and should try and get that fixed, seriously.



Ok, I KNOW that wasn't how they meant it to sound. I ALSO know that breathiness is NOT ACTUALLY a problem of mine when I'm
a) properly warmed up (which I never seem to be at these- I never have a chance to really, honestly warm up before, because I'm always in the company of others beforehand)
b) not having to freaking REAUDITION, even if it happens every year. Almost everyone's vocal quality suffers under nerves, and no, I've never gotten over mine.

I know I'm a better singer than I was in there today, so I can't fault them for pointing it out to me. I just ALSO happen to know that they have NEVER EVER heard me when I'm on. I've screwed up every audition with them somehow- either I'm not warmed up properly or I mess out the counting or the strange fiddly bits of the Messiah because I've never actually learned it.

UGH. I know I'm whining and overreacting and boring you all to tears. But. Being a singer is part of how I define myself. Failing, year after year, to perform at my best for one's director is hard, and I know I have only myself to blame. THIS NEVER HAPPENS WITH MY OTHER CHOIR. Norman ADORES me, and he's a much harsher critic. SO WHY MUST I ALWAYS COCK IT UP FOR THESE GUYS.

*tears hair out in rage*


I'm over it.


I tried to watch some of the ESC Henry VI mashup today and I'm sorry to say, but it bored me to tears. I was having weirdo problems connecting to the video stream, which didn't help, and I was, as previously reported, BROILING in the heat, which obviously affected things. I hadn't realized, when last I watched, just how much was altered for these productions- they turned all three plays into two, fiddling bits around and making cuts. I've only got half an hour or so left, so I'll finish this part and move onto JACK CAAAAAAAAAAAADE soon enough, but for now, I should actually start writing the research paper all this is ostensibly for.


anti-kickass-ity, choirgeek, esc, some cheese with that wine?

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