Jun 30, 2009 21:56
Today, again, was pretty average, but not as much so as yesterday. : /
I've decided I'm going to treat livejournal like a real journal, and try to post in it everyday. And now that I have two friends I'm officially popular ;D I've tried a few times to keep a hand written journal, but it's always failed cause it makes me feel stupid... I can't place why but it just does. Having a public online journal doesn't make me feel as stupid though. I think it has to do with the 'talking to myself' thing. That always just makes me feel weird.
Today I woke up next to our fattest cat, Camry (AKA Cambi). She's adorable, and so obese. I love her, but we might have to get rid of her because she makes messes in the house. We're technically only supposed to have two pets anyways >.> (we have 5, not including the fish).
After waking up at 10 I went downstairs and at cake for breakfast *chomp*. We don't have much other food anyways D: Certainly nothing that qualifies as breakfast. Then I took a shower and tried super cool lime face soap *o* It's seriously cool hotel soap that my stepdad brought back. It's so awesome, and smells good.
I practiced Kanji for a while today, and decided to focus on getting the readings memorized, rather than introducing myself to new kanji. I learn pretty quickly, but I'll probably review them all everyday for a while just so that I don't forget them D: cause I'm like that. I remember things really quickly, and forget them just as easily v.v...
Again I watched 3 hours of NCIS just cause it's so amazing >.< They were good episodes too! I've been so addicted to it lately... It's probably not healthy. I go through so many phases though. Last it was Food Network challenge and Ace of Cakes, and now it's NCIS.
My cactus is still wilting ;-; I think I need something to prop it up.
Well... Late afternoon brought around several pieces of bad news and just bad feelings over all, but I won't really go into detail. To fade out the negativity some, me and my parents and one of my brothers went to go check out a bike that was up on craigslist. The guy who owned it was kind of bizarre actually :'D When we arrived he'd forgotten about us coming. His door was wide open and he was shirtless (and... not very attractive). When he noticed us he slipped on a bright pink t-shirt, and jumped off of his porch and led us to the crappy old bike he was selling. My mom though he was kind of creepy, and we decided not to get the bike since both of its handles were missing. When we left he went inside and pulled his shirt off again xD It was really funny... It probably doesn't sound funny, but it was.
I'm going to insert a random description of this creepy guy I met on the bus simply because me and my mom were discussing him today, and it's something I never want to forget just because it was so funny :'D Anyways, we were discussing how he reminded me of my father.
I was on the MAX before the creepy guy showed up, and I'll describe the other passengers first, just because it's relevant later. In the seat on the other side of the MAX there was a boy around my age who appeared to be insanely hung over. He had green marker all over his arms, and he basically looked like he was seriously ill. In front of my seating area there was a group of boys, also around my age who were just talking. After a few stops, this guy got on, and sat down across from me with his pug. The creepy guy had on a black bandana, and appeared to be in his 40's. He began talking to me, telling me that his dog didn't bite and such. He then went on to explain that he stole it from his ex, and was going to give it to his niece because it was the right thing to do. He talked on and on about how he was divorced twice, and wouldn't ever marry again. He even showed me a tattoo on his ring finger that sad "Fuck No" with a little smiley face. I barely responded but he just kept talking. The more he talked, the more I realized just how much he and my father had in common. He spoke more shit about his ex wife, saying that she abused the dog, and then went on to talk about his kids. I could hardly understand what he was saying cause he spoke sort of funny and fast. He showed me a tattoo of his children's initials on his arm, which reminded me of dad so much because he'd done the some thing! After a while the guy talked some about his 'home boys' who he was hanging out with and how someone wronged him so he lit some house on fire. At this point I was hoping he'd leave soon, especially since he was asking about my age and such (if I was 18)... That questions always kinda creepy coming from some old gangsta you've just met. But it was a while before he left, and he talked more about how one time he was apparently cleaning up some whiskey bottles by the library, and some lady accused him of being a drunk. He said that he replied "Ma'am, I'm just doing what I think is right, and cleaning up some litter" before ranting some more about how the next person who was rude to him would seriously regret it (which is why I decided not to ignore him, and be polite >.>;;). He said he was going to train the pug to kill people, and name it Killer (the same pug that he was giving to his niece btw O.o;). After a while he noticed the hung over kid sitting in the seat next to our area. He laughed extremely loudly and asked if the marker was tattoo or just felt pen. The boy grumbled and said it was pen. The creepy guy then laughed more, saying that he looked like "a damn leprechaun". He apparently found it so funny that he had to shout and tell the group of boys in front, who all laughed and whispered to each other. He really didn't let it go, either xD and asked the boy if it was at least fun before he got hung over. At that point my stepfather called and I was free to ignore him as much as possible xD I just found it funny that he kept on claiming to be a people person who liked to do the right thing, while he was totally trying to be badass at the same time. Mom found it funny too because he really did remind us both of dad. Such an interesting character. Well, if anyone reads this, and is terribly bored with my story, oh well. I know I've told my cousin already xD I just really didn't want to forget the terribly amusing details so I decided to write it up in here while I still remember everything.
After leaving the bike dude, we drove back home and dropped my brother and stepdad off since my brother was screaming and being mean (he's young). Afterward me and my mom drove over to JC Penny and got shoes, since they are badly needed. In one of her feet, some of the bones in her toe aren't positioned correctly. At first the doctor thought it was cancer, but then another doctor x-rayed, and found that the bones were out of place. So now she needs squishy shoes with high arches. She always seems to be hurting v.v It makes me sad. Her back and neck is messed up, and her jaw is messed up and aches sometimes, and now her foot's all mixed up. But we did need shoes anyways, since our dog, Xena, ate both of my pairs of shoes recently, and one of mom's shoes, and my little brother's. Also, my brother needed sandals for camping. I got pretty new shoes though 8D I like them even more than my last pair that Xena ate! <3 I'm really picky with shoes too, and I only like certain styles. After shoes I got some Mountain Dew *Q* fufufu... I know it's terrible for you, full of calories, and radioactive looking, but I can't help but love it ;O;.
The day after tomorrow I'm going camping with my family, and I get to steal my cousin and take her with me x3 So it should be fun. It also means that I won't be posting from thursday to sunday. There's a slight possibility that I'll post on thursday and/or friday, but it's highly unlikely. Soooo I need to pack and stuff tomorrow D: The only thing I don't like about camping is that there are no bathrooms to take showers in and such. But we're bringing this weird water/shower bag thingie.
BTW I'm almost not sick anymore!