Feb 09, 2009 23:01
For winter we don't get snow down here (or up here, depends on where you are) - I'm not counting the sad little attempts at a sleet downfall during a couple of days - we get rain. Shitloads of it.
There's nothing wrong with rain. I like it. Even when it's pouring down so hard you can't see your extended hand, which is kinda cool actually. Here, however, rain alone isn't enough, we also get wind. Hard wind. I'ma-flip-fairygirls-like-you-halfway-over-to-Sunday kind of wind(I just had to use that phrasing somewhere it's so awesome). Again, nothing wrong with a good strong wind, the sailors are happy (although I doubt no one's really sailing at this weather), but the windows in our apartment aren't exactly the most solid ones.
I keep getting heart attacks when the sealing tape I applied on the edges ('cause one prefers to keep the heat in and the astral winds out, right?) makes a screeching noise every time it rips open. It does that because one of our windows is holding fast only by the middle latch and therefore swinging slightly with every gust of wind. I'm quite anxious that the whole shebang will smash right in. I mean sure, we have volets, these handy window shutters - too bad ours are rusted shut, or in our case, open. Good thing: daylight comes in, bad thing: so does the windows themselves if this wind gets any worse. Good thing we got insurance.
We got these two lights, one in the corridor and one in the foyer and by now we've come to the conclusion the thing's most likely short-circuiting, since the lights go out even though we keep changing the bulbs. Plus the corridor lamp's totally busted, the bulb just keeps spinning round and round, you can't take it out or twist it in tighter. Bummer. Not to mention we're both lacking the strategic 20cm we'd need to actually get a good hands-on that thing - we got a short ladder. Oh and did I mention the lamp seems to be attached to the wiring by duct tape? How cheap can you get when wiring up electrical appliances? Take a note people, it'll come and bite you in the tush later, do things properly.
I rediscovered my old-time love of a webcomic called MegaTokyo (two actually, but Sexy Losers is sooooo not worksafe - "Moon power make-up!") and since it has extensive dialogues written in l337, I started to feel kinda nostalgic. l337 was awesome at some point in my sad irc experience.
I got tempted when my flatmate read that you can get l337sp34k in your messenger...but decided that spending long minutes trying to decipher what I'm reading isn't really all that c00l.
5o r3l4x, I w0n'7 fl00d m4 LJ w/ l337. Also because it takes insanely long to type properly.
(Not to mention that I basically have no readers left so it doesn't matter what I type.)
ze french wee