bleh, Janine doesn't feel good.

May 07, 2008 11:25

I seem to be getting more sick instead of less sick. So much for my natural ability to heal myself. I had what seemed like a very typical cold and it is becoming more and more flu like. I woke up at 6 this morning in a lot of pain and unable to get to sleep so I drugged myself with dayquil and nasal spray (all I could find) and eventually fell back asleep. I then slept in until 11:00. David made me tea, which was really sweet of him. Actually he made me vitamin C stuff with Oregon grape root tincture in it. I still haven't tried it yet.

Yesterday I just tried to do my best to go through the day while feeling sick. I did a pretty good job. For the most part when I needed to I could completely ignore it. In ATBII we watched a video on Continuum, this amazing body practice made by Emilie Conrad. It was so inspiring it seemed to give my whole body a charge that just made me want to move. I felt like it was the most healing thing I could experience while sick.

I got pretty tired and worn out after that, I was worried that i wouldn't do well in Aerial acrobatics because I wouldn't be feeling well but I actually ended up doing great. Within a few minutes I completely forgot I was sick. I am getting a lot better. I could climb really well and I learned the french climb, and I could finally invert and finally do this really cool move where I go up side down and do a splits in the air from a figure 8 foot lock. I could also do a baby's pose, but that hurt to do. Still, lots of improvement. Being sick did seem to affect me in the sense that once I got tired I couldn't push myself anymore. I couldn't use that last little ounce of strength. There was a time where I climbed up to the top of the rope and then was too tired to continue and almost fell. I just barely saved myself. The instructor was watching as I did it, too, and was kind of worried.

Kari has been really sick and still hasn’t disassembled her fort and gotten her things out of my room and is now going on a trip until next Tuesday and won’t be able to get them out before then. She is really sick and has hurt her back, so I don’t want to be insensitive about that. I guess I should just put my selfishness on hold. I sort of wonder if part of me wanting to rush her is stemming from the fact that I don’t really want to share a room with Kat. I don’t think it has to do with her as a person, I think I just finally have a space I really enjoy that expresses my tastes, and I’m afraid if another person lives here and has a whole bunch of things that are their taste I won’t feel as good about the space. I wonder if it gets partitioned off if I’ll be ok with that.

kari, continuum, awareness through the body ii, aerial acrobatics, david

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