New Hair Color :( etc Blerg

Sep 17, 2008 19:13

Changed my hair color :( and etc
So due to the swimming five days a week I have had to go back to my natural hair color. As you all can either see or know I have had black hair or black hair with some other random color in it for like 9 yrs now or longer. This is sadly no more, it is in this inbetween stage right now and is a rather redish color. The next step is blond which as I said above is my natural hair color.

This depresses me greatly since I hate having blond hair but alas my father failed in giving me his black hair genes and so I'm left with the blond. In case you have no idea why all this has to happen let me explain, chlorine damages your hair and if you dye it it pretty much fades the color right on out. What would be the point of paying to have it dyed and all that jazz if within a week or so it looked a lovely (sarcasm) ashy grey?? Let me answer that there isn't one, hence why I'm going alllll natural baby.

So now that I'm done being dramatic about my hair, I have to say that politics drive me up the freakin wall. I am obsessed with it...I admit it and I'm pretty interested in it as well but sometimes people make me crazy. I would like some of these people (candidates, senators, gov, congress etc) to explain to me wtf kind of choices they are making and why the hell they would go the direction they have gone or are going on some things. I would also like to state ENOUGH WITH THE MUD SLINGING FROM BOTH PARTIES!!!! I am so over the bashing ....I want to pull my hair out. NOTE TO MEDIA tell me the FACTS only please and leave your biased opinions (this goes for both parties) out of it you SOB!! Is that to much to ask know...the freakin NEWS??? I guess it is, and since when (this is rhetorical since I do know since when) did it become okay for a NEWS SOURCE to back a candidate?? Please explain to me how that is unbiased!!!! BLERG

I did see the SNL skit of Palin and Clinton and laughed my ass off, well done. When it's all in good clean fun I don't mind fyi.

I have to register to vote anyway soon since I keep moving around blah. There is no way I'm sitting this one out, if you sit out in my opinion you have no room to complain later, and dammit I want my room :P
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