Lil bit of this and a Lil bit of that

Feb 14, 2008 12:02

I am officially stating that winter and I are no longer friends, I hate snow. This winter has just been ridiculous honestly.

Happy V Day one and all.

I made Kevin dinner last night which he enjoyed very much. I did this because the boy wont just tell me what he would like for V-Day, or give hints even. He is the most none material person I have ever met which makes him hard to shop for.

I got a slinky from someone as a joke, and as silly as they are they are pretty fun. I am super tired, this is really a common issue and I dont know why, I have tried to go to sleep earlier but alas it's not helping.

We got a new person today at work......I'm not sure about this one yet.

The new Indiana Jones film looks...not so awesome sad to say. I could be wrong of course, and I hope I am, but it looks really bad. They should not allow Harrison Ford to do stunts, he's to old and it shows. It's like watching Sean Connory (sp error)(whom I loves) in League of (not so) Extraordinary Men.
I would like to see a Trailer of The Happening by Shamaylan (sp error I'm sure) yet there are None....WHY??? I find this upsetting :)

Becoming more political so yeah that just makes one angry really, so I'm pulling out my hair.

Peace love and chicken grease ya'll
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