Home Is Where You Hang Yourself

May 11, 2006 12:22

Well, I am home for some reason. My last day of classes was Tuesday, and my first final isn't until Monday, so I figured I might as well come home for a few days. The logic for this decision was that if I was stuck in Berkeley with no classes to go to and nothing else to do I would just be extremely bored and lonely. As it turns out, being at home with nothing to do is equally as boring and lonely. In fact, it might just be a little worse, since at least in Berkeley there is a lot of stuff within reasonable walking distance. I have been able to find some worthwhile activites to occupy my time though. I began my day by breaking up dirt in my backyard. That was pretty good. While I was out there, I was lucky enough to hear my next door neighbor's wife lacing into him. "I'm fucking sick of always arguing with you!" etc. I don't see why they haven't gotten divorced by now. It can't be for the kids, because they (well, one of the two at least; I suspect the other is dead) are already fuck-ups. The divorce would probably do them good. And god knows Holly (the wife) would have no trouble finding a replacement. I happen to know for a fact that there is a charming nineteen year old that lives/lived next door that is hella eager. She'll see the light eventually. Anyway, after breaking up dirt for a while, I began an intense 'chucking session. I dominated that shit like a true sensei (no Dwight). Then came a similarly awesome juggling session. 'Chucking and juggling: two of my greatest passions. Good times. All of this took place in my backyard with my Herculean upper torso exposed, so while exerting my dominance over all that oppose me I was simultaneously able to soak up some sun. Hopefully I will be able to soon make the transition from Powder to Wesley Snipes. Well, back to watching Date My Mom's Pimp I suppose.
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