Here is the story of a thoroughly unpleasant Tuesday:
6:15 AM: Wake up
6:40 AM: Leave for work, stopping for a medium English Toffee cappucino along the way.
7:00 AM: Begin work
12:15 PM: Start lunch
1:00 PM: End lunch, back to work
6:30 PM: Leave work, eleven-and-a-half hours after beginning
7:00 PM: Throw together quick meal and take brief momet to check email and peruse flist.
7:15 PM: Start to work on budget/ bill-paying (*IRONY* Most pleasant of activities after a whole day of accounting and payroll)
7:30 PM: Discover that first EFT payment of new credit card bounced, resulting in annoyingly high late payment charges and penalties. Proceed with investigation of reason for error.
7:45 PM: Bank account number was entered incorrectly when EFT payments were set up
7:55 PM: Receive phone call from brother's girlfriend's mother requesting a favor - deliver item brother's girlfriend left at house on Sunday (a DvD) which brother's girlfriend needs for school on Wednesday.
7:57 PM: While looking for DvD in the vicinity of entertainment center, make shocking discovery that entire corner of the basement is soaked with water.
8:00 PM: Leave to make DvD delivery, leaving disgruntled mother beginning adventures in carpet de-soaking.
8:15 PM: Meet brother's girlfriend's mother halfway and deliver DvD. Head back home.
8:30 PM: Spend hour and a half helping mother with carpet de-soaking and solving of plumbing mysteries. Latter not entirely successful.
10:15 PM: Try to work on vid. Computer freezes.
10:30 PM: Can't wash face, brush teeth, or various other hygenic-type things because there is no water.
10:33 PM: Post this entry in LJ.