
Nov 07, 2011 06:49

I had a very busy weekend and I'm launching off now into a very busy week. I have a lot of your entries and PMs I want to catch up on for LJ. There are just not enough hours in the day, even when you get an extra one!

It's been really fun watching everyone Nano. Surprisingly, watching from the sidelines this year is suiting me just fine. I was afraid that after it began I would regret not preparing a project for full-fledged participation, but Book 4 is finally happening, and considering we've been kicking it around for three years, that feels about on par with the satisfaction of conquering Nano.

Keep up the good work, everyone!

This week I would really, really love to stay on top of things well enough that I can get the Peru adventure typed up over the weekend...

Oh! And call the cable company. I'm dragging my feet on it. Probably because it's new territory for me, and also a not-laughable new expense.

But Leverage starts up again at the end of the month, so that's good incentive. Also, Hulu seems to be not showing anything of S5 Chuck except last week's premiere. Huh...

fandom:chuck, fandom:leverage, writing:nanowrimo

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