Three more days!!

Aug 29, 2011 11:20

My brain is maxed out on pre-Dragon Con excitement. Tirzah and I sat down and came up with a tentative schedule for Friday through Sunday (we are flying home Monday morning, so no Monday schedule). I will post this later in the day for the reference of anyone who cares (mostly miana_dude since we are roomies).

Unless by some miracle my replacement fabric arrives in the next two days, the only costume-related preparation I have to make is to try and repair my Inara sleeves.

To bookwormprinces: I have only made it through three chapters of your manuscript so far, but that is about 25% done!!! I have decided to bite the bullet and tell you that I am not going to be able to focus on it until next week, so tonight I will try and remember to send you the notes I have so far. I wrote quite a lot of impressions for the first chapter.

To my het_bigbang fic... you are going to have to wait too, even though you're creeping up upon me a little bit more each day with guilt and panic and excitement to keep writing Pascal shenanigans. I can handle 30,000-ish words in 15 days. That's a Nanowrimo pace. No problem. :-P

Tonight I am going to clean All the Things in the basement, write/schedule some way past-due blog entries for my costuming blog, and go to bed EARLY.

On a side note, last night's Leverage was wonderful, and I'm so glad I stayed up late to watch it because my curiosity would have driven me to distraction all day today otherwise. But yeah, it was one of my favorites so far in the season.


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