T-minus one week.

Aug 25, 2011 09:40

Eeeee!! In one week it will be time to head to the airport for Dragon Con!! *GG*

I don't think my better color of Rapunzel fabric is going to arrive in time, so I will be wearing the skirt as it is now. Ah well. It's still pretty impressive if I do say so myself. And it occurs to me that I haven't posted any pictures of it in LJ. Will amend that in the near future.

I also need to find a white collar shirt for my Nerd Herder ensemble. For the life of me I cannot figure out what I did with the one I wore last year... *adds to shopping list*

And finally, I should probably take the trouble to replace the sleeves on my orange Inara shirt, because last year I sewed them with a basting stitch without realizing it, and they're literally coming apart at the seams. Whoops. I'd also like to try and install some kind of hook/eye/snap ensemble to the skirt to hold up the train for when I'm walking around. I really got tired of carrying the dumb thing last year.

Last night I got an amazing night's sleep, so I'm feeling refreshed and alert, and that makes for a welcome change. Tonight Tirzah is coming over for even more Doctor Who. We watched up through "Vincent and the Doctor" on Tuesday night, and both of us were crying at the end of that one (good crying -- it's such an incredible episode). This means we can finish off S5 tonight and probably catch up on all of S6 on Sunday in one giant marathon. She is working on the wings for her Tinker Bell costume.

Is it the 1st yet?

travel:dragoncon2011, general:costuming, fandom:doctor who, costuming:rapunzel, costuming:inaraorange

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