Saché's Favorite Fanvids #7

Mar 01, 2011 10:22

#7 - Be Yourself

Vid Title: Be Yourself
Vid Editor(s): sabaceanbabe
Fandom: Chuck
Character/Pairing: Chuck/Sarah, Gen

LINK: Original post at vidder's LJ

Why I Love This Vid: Once you pierce through the haze of my Zachary Levi fangirling, there are a number of other reasons that I fell in love with Chuck: the quirkiness, the humor, the colors, the friendships, the family relationships, the tenderness, and of course all the geek (sorry, nerd) cred! This vid captures the serious and heartwarming (and sometimes heartaching) sides of Chuck. It also documents Chuck's character journey through the first three seasons and all the people who were most important in shaping him, from Bryce and Jill, to Ellie and Morgan, and of course Casey and Sarah. And others, but I won't give everything away. :-) Most Chuck vids out there tend to exclusively focus on Chuck/Sarah which is why I don't have very many Chuck vids on my hard drive. I like Chuck and Sarah just fine, but "they" don't represent my love of the show. This vid does.

fandom:chuck, recs:vid, recs:toptenvids

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