
Feb 02, 2011 19:44

I still have my bridesmaid's gown from when my sister got married. Conveniently, it is made of gorgeous purple satin. I could conceivably use it to make my Rapunzel skirt. There's more than enough material, but I suspect if I pulled it apart the panels would all be the wrong shape.

In any case, I also have lots of embroidery thread, so I couldn't resist breaking out both and combining them for a little practice at the technique if I want to do the embroidery on Rapunzel's skirt:

As you can see, it's hardly perfect, but I think it's pretty good for a first go. I drew the shape onto the fabric with a pen, trying my best to match the shape of one of the actual designs on the skirt. The fact that the colors are right is pretty exciting! And by the time I finished, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe was only a third of the way finished. This makes me think that I could easily finish all of the embroidery in a month if I work a little bit every night. I honestly thing the hardest part will be the drawing (with a fabric pen, obviously, or tracing paper. Or both? Not sure how that part works).


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