New Vid - "Not Done Yet" - Chuck

Feb 02, 2011 18:16

And here's the other half of "What I did when I didn't have the internet"

Vid: Not Done Yet
Edit: Sache8
Music: Superchick
Fandom: Chuck
Clips Used/Spoilers: Seasons 1 through 3
Character/Pairing: Ensemble
Disclaimer: Belongs to NBC and Warner Bros.

Summary: "We're not done yet-- not going quietly into the night". Really? How is that NOT the theme song for Chuck as a character AND Chuck as the little TV show that could? LOL

Link - Download here Approx 19.0 MB, Quicktime only.

image Click to view

Special thanks to sabaceanbabe for ripping a couple of clips for me and for a quick beta, and especially for bookwormprinces who introduced me to the song with her wonderful Stargate SGA vid to the same. (Except I cut a verse and chorus from mine).

(Jeana? Are we even now?)

Seriously? How has it taken me this long to do a vid for my favorite show? LOL

fandom:chuck, recs:vid, vids:chuck, vids:all

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