Geek week

Dec 28, 2010 09:53

So today is Kate's third day at my house. Emma arrived yesterday. It has been nerdy overdosing, as predicted.

Yesterday, Kate and I and my mom and my brother's girlfriend (who is also staying with us, and I keep apologizing profusely to her, assuring her that this week cannot be taken as a baseline sample of my general personality) went to see Voyage of the Dawn Treader and we loved it.

Last night my brother and his girlfriend went to my aunt's. Us girls left behind got Swensons' cheeseburgers and milkshakes and watched Much Ado About Nothing. Then my mom brought my little cousin Jacqueline and we took her to see Harry Potter. Again, I'm surprised she didn't disown us. I kind of wish we hadn't had to go so late, but it was the only time the theater was showing it anymore. We had also determined it to be the best night to go for a handful of highly logical reasons. I'm trying to remember the last time I went to the movie theater twice in one day.

This afternoon we're going to see Tangled. Hehehehe. I won't say which enumeration it is for me, but for both Kate and Emma it will be their first viewing, and that makes me positively giddy.

We're also going to do things besides watch movies, I promise. Kate suggested teaching Emma to play Settlers of Catan...

Tomorrow I have to go to work :-( but only for one day. Then Laura will be coming and we're going to have a Princess Bride watching party with some of my other geek friends here, all in honor of Emma.

fandom:narnia, fandom:harry potter

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