Sep 16, 2010 09:44
Tonight we are having guests for dinner and my gazpacho will be put to public testing. *is nervous on gazpacho's behalf* Mom even broke out the soup tureen. Also, we bought a huge loaf of French bread yesterday and left it out to the air so it would get nice and crusty. Gazpacho is super yummy to eat with hard bread.
So that will be my evening. Guess how much Shakespeare tweaking I have not gotten done all week? [face_innocent]
Since I have no more vacations planned for the rest of the year, and a nice six week window before Nano and the holidays kick in, I really want to take this window, starting next week to do two things every night: exercise and write/edit. Really, I can be a woman of discipline! I can!!!
(Notice that I make this lofty resolution the week before all my favorite shows start up again *smack forehead*)
In closing, my boss cut out a Ziggy cartoon and put it on the wall in my cubicle. It reads: "I was in the Right Place at the Right Time once. It turned out I was in the Wrong Alternate Universe."
It's kind of scary how quickly he's come to know me... LOL