Hormones, anyone?

Aug 13, 2010 09:16

Yesterday I was in a weird mood. I didn't write. There was no inspiration. After work my sister was over with the kids and I played with them for a while (though not as faithfully as my mom would have done). When they left I went downstairs and started to watch my new show and lost interest in it after about three more episodes. It wasn't going in a direction that kept my interest. So then I watched a couple eps of Community I hadn't seen a second time and went to bed, but not after praying for a long time. Which makes for a nice change.

Today, everything is different. Maybe because I actually had a great day at work yesterday (productivity-wise), I'm eager to continue the trend and I'm not, for once, fighting Friday-itis. I listened to one of my old mix CDs on the way in of "songs to vid" and got in the mood to vid something, so we'll see how long that lasts.

Tonight I'm going to my aunt's house for a movie night. At my cousin Daniel's birthday party last Saturday, we were discussing how Kathryn and her friends have never seen such classics as Star Wars and Lord of the Rings (due to wonderful parents who have toed the line on movie ratings and censoring things until their children were of appropriate age-- in the case of these particular movies I might have not drawn the line so strictly, but I admire parents who try to instill anything nowadays). At any rate, now that they're old enough, we realized we need to set about correcting this void immediately. So we're all getting together tonight to watch Fellowship of the Ring (theatrical cut) and eat sloppy joes and snacks. After that we're all hauling back over to my house for a midnight swim!

(And since this doesn't happen until 7:00-- I'm going to squeeze in 1,000-1,500 words of writing in beforehand, gosh dernit).

Tomorrow I am bound and determined to wrap up the writing project I'm currently working on. It's going to be the main goal of my day. I think it's doable. I basically know what all I need to do for it at this point. I will plant myself at Starbucks until it's finished. Then I think mom and I are going to go see "The Other Guys". I'm not usually interested in Will Farrell movies (with the notable exception of "Stranger than Fiction") but for some reason this one looks like it might actually tickle my funny bone. My brother enjoyed it, and he said he thought it stayed acceptably within its PG-13 rating.

On Sunday, my friend Michelle and I are driving down to Columbus to see Wicked! Whee!! We saw it on Broadway together as well when we went to NYC in 2008, and we were hoping to convince some of our other friends to come with us for this version, but they were all party poopers. Oh well.

(Laura, depending on where the theater is in relation to your house, I may swing by and take some tomatoes off your hands! LOL)

Hope all you Cliquers that made it to CV are having a BLAST!!!!

real life:general, writing:general

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