
Aug 11, 2010 11:39

I have to say, this 'go to bed at 10:00' thing is starting to grow on me. Monday night I think I was lights out at 9:45 and last night it was about 10:30. Two solid nights of sleep in a row and emerging from the other side of Bob and I feel like a whole new gal today! It is so great to not be sleepy!

I should have done some writing last night, but I was tired enough to not really feel like doing anything cerebral. Hah. Also, my great-aunt and cousin came over to go swimming, so mom and I hung out with them for a while, and my Aunt Roseann is a talker! Before I went to bed, I poked around the shows on Hulu for something new to watch. I picked an older anime called "Last Exile" and watched the first three episodes. I really like it! The animation is lovely and so is the music, and I like the world and the characters so far. Also, thanks to Kate and Emma, I knew what 'steam punk' was (apparently, I'm way behind the curve on this term).

Tonight after work Joy and Aaron are coming over with the kids and we'll go swimming and do minimal birthday things. I finally get to give Nolan and Noelle their presents that I bought for them in Disneyland and San Francisco. Should be fun times.

Tomorrow, I will continue writing. First thing, right after I get off work and get something in my tummy. 2K words. I did really well over the weekend. Have to keep that going.

real life:family, writing:general, general:birthday

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