My voice may go on vacation as well.

Jul 03, 2010 10:07

The Great July - Day 2

Yesterday was a long but awesome day.

Interestingly, although I didn't get much that I wanted done at work, I still had a pretty sold day. Everybody was in vacation mode, so everyone was slightly less focused together. My boss went home early (he usually does on Fridays-- he had a major heart attack a couple of years ago, which means he needs to take it easy ALL the time). So late in the morning, when someone from upstairs called me with a Fixed Asset related policy question, where I ordinarily would have asked Dave for the quick answer, I was obliged to pull out the policy on property and pore over it (it reads about as clearly as lawyer speak) until I actually understood what the thing was saying and was able to confidently respond to the lady with a confident answer. I really can't tell you how awesome that made me feel.

Right about the same time I was working on that, I got a visit from a new friend I've made at work, a lady from Columbia who made an offhand comment to Kerri a few weeks ago that she never gets the chance to speak Spanish much from day to day. Kerri was, "oh, reeeeallly." So, this new friend (Andrea) popped by to say that her boss was letting them take half a day and she had to cancel our lunch date. But we ended up chattering in Spanish for about twenty minutes anyway. And she told me the background on the Spanish word dirigible:

See, the Spanish verb dirigir means 'to direct' (like to direct an employee or, in this case, the direction of a vehicle). 'Dirigible' is the adjective form of the verb, and the full original phrase for 'blimp' is globo dirigible, which basically translates as 'a hot air balloon that you can drive'.

Cool, huh!?!?! I know, you're speechless with the awesomeness!

At precisely 3:30, I drove out of the Goodyear parking lot and headed to Laura's. When I arrived, after getting a big first hug from emmaorgana and repeat hugs from Laura and the kids, we hauled all the stuff I brought into the living room where it's mostly still sitting because from basically the moment I arrived until 1:00 in the morning, all we did was talk fandom (and some real life stuff in the middle). We had a BLAST reminiscing about the early days of the Clique and distant memories of first fanfics and sequels that never happened and how much we used to mock Kevin J. Anderson.

And my voice is still hoarse.

So today Kate is coming, and I have already washed and dried my hair, and feel like a human being!

On a final (and most wonderful note), happy birthday to my little sister. Joy, you're such a great sister, mommy, wife, daughter, and best friend.

real life:family, real life:job, general:birthday

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