Season finales roundup

May 27, 2010 08:58

I've spent the last few evenings getting caught up on some of my shows:

Lost - "The End"You know, I really enjoyed it. The more I adjust my feelings about the show to what it is rather than what it was maybe supposed to be, the more I like it. And truth be told, my paradigm didn't really need all that much adjusting. LOST has always been horribly weak on plot but stellar on characters. I too am a little bit puzzled about why women who conceive on the island end up dead (among a thousand other wth? questions), but the Sawyer/Juliet reunion scene more than made up for it. So that's just one example using specifics of basically my feelings on the whole show. I think I'd watch LOST again, with the exception of large chunks of Season Two, which was my least favorite.

How I Met Your Mother - "Doppelgangers" - Don is gone! I had no problems with Don, really, except the show made it seem like he was a permanent barrier to the Barney/Robin reunion and (this time) happily ever after that I'm hoping for. I don't care how irrational it is, I want it, darn it. And the look on Barney's face when he thought she was moving to Chicago let me hope that I still might have it. Also, Marshall/Lily possible future babyness!

The Big Bang Theory - "The Lunar Excitation" - I loved the opening third of the episode, with the whole gang being geeky and Penny realizing how much they've changed her. Everybody was in top comic form. I thought the subsequent Leonard/Penny "casual sex" storyline fell a bit 'meh' but the last scene of the episode utterly makes up for it in ROTFL potential. "If that was slang, I don't recognize it. If it was literal, then I share your aversion to soiled hosiery." (*wipes tears*) I'm now deathly curious now for next season.

Community - "Pascal's Triangle Revisited" - The Community cliffhanger really packed a punch. I mean, I don't even particularly OTP on this show, and I'm still feeling shocked. And yet... I'm not entirely sure that I'm supposed to be. I don't mind Jeff/Annie as a pairing, but the circumstances of that kiss are all kinds of trouble. I adore Britta and I don't want to see her hurt, especially after putting herself in such a vulnerable position. I hope the next season doesn't pick up with "Britta walks in on the kiss" because that would tear me open. Since the show is structured around an academic year, however, I suspect it will pick up in the "fall" and this will give Jeff a chance to do the decent thing, whatever the hell he decides to do.

Ship conflicts aside, Community was so much fun for my newbie show this year. After all, my favorite characters are not part of intense fandom ship wars. I really want to watch it from the beginning again.

Chuck - "Chuck vs. the Subway" and "Chuck vs. the Ring, Part 2" - Oh, where to begin? How about with:

Ellie knows! FINALLY! Thank you, show, for not going all Arthur (from Merlin) on this point. I have to admit, the Ellie reveal wasn't as thrilling as the Morgan reveal, I guess mostly because she didn't get to hear it properly from Chuck, but the scene between them later in the car one on one made me choke up. Also? I loved that Awesome was all like, "Bachelor Party = fault of spy world, not mine!!" So cute.

Casey's daughter = really fun. Can't wait to see more of her, as we obviously will.

Jeff and Lester on the run for blowing up the Buy More, even though it was actually Morgan: *shakes head with laughter* Oh boy. I have a feeling this notoriety is going to make "Jeffster" into an internet sensation.

Shaw... boy, did he ever embrace the dark side with vigor. It's so weird to think he was actually part of the team for a while now. This show shifts dynamics at a mercurial pace.

*sniff* Papa Bartowski! Although he was right next to a secret lab full of tissue regeneration equipment that apparently saved Shaw. Hmmmn...

Mama Bartowski Season 4! Boy, did I ever call it!! Everyone in Chuck's life is or was a spy. Ellie, it's only a matter of time, honey. You can't escape, and you can't keep Chuck safe either.

Comic Con, here I come!!

fandom:chuck, fandom:big bang, fandom:lost, fandom:himym, fandom:community

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