so, I feel like I should post

Sep 10, 2008 20:46

Why? Because I HAVE NO LIFE. Has this not been established already? I go to school, I come home from school, get on lj, do my homework, get on lj, and then call people/go places. Oh, and eating is good, too, not to mention that I'm texting constantly :)

But. Haha BUTT okayi'mshuttingupbecausei'mtiredanddon'tmakesense.

totally forgot my lj-cut, whoops )

random, fall play, giraffes, real life omgz no wai, scary, auditions, pillow talk, love monster, natalie wood, school, code geass, 1984

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Wow, you are the queen of randomness in this post... xxphobiaxx September 11 2008, 16:03:09 UTC
Haha. But, it's all good. (And, yes, if you were a giraffe you'd be very screwed in the communications department. Because we all know how much you like to, uh, communicate.) lol Anyways, I know we're gonna talk tonight on the phone, but I'm looking for all the ways I can possibly procrastinate before I have to resign myself to doing my homework. (Which, I know for a fact that I will not get done in time to turn in tommorrow.) But, you know what? I'm past the point of caring. (I know that sounds totally bad, but whatever.) Okay, well, not COMPLETELY past the point of caring. (I lied.) But, I just don't want to think about it enough to start caring cuz then I'll just get more stressed. (Does, that make sense?) *Sigh* Anyways, so, yeah. Plus, Im probably gonna forget to tell you some things when we talk tonight (cuz there's so much rattling around in my brain! ISWEARIT'SGOINGTOEXPLODE!!!!) So, I decided, why not get some stuff out of the way now?

So, yeah, back to commenting on the post now... First off, at least you don't have endless drama in your life that keeps coming back to haunt you. (DRAMATHATWILLNOTDIE!!!!) Seriously, the only time I can remember that I haven't had constant drama in my life was when you-know-who said she was moving to New York. And, for a whole week, it all died down and I thought I might be done with drama for a while. You know, maybe I could have a normal (boring) life. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. And, well, you know the rest. I mean, don't get me wrong. I'm glad that she's back (if not as suddenly as she left), but, there are pro's and con's to everything. *sigh* AAAAAAnyways, (I'm getting off track, again. drat.) Um, so, yeah, what I'm trying to say is, it's good you have a somewhat normal life rather than the chaos that is mine right now.

Okay, so, on to talking about the play. It's gonna be called "Pillow talk"? Hmm, How come I never seem to be familiar with all the plays that your in. What's it about? I hope you get the lead! I wish you the best at auditions! (I know you'll do amazing!) I really think you're gonna get the lead part. (If not the lead, then definitely one of the main ones.) Can't wait to see it!

*Ahem* Anyways. Hmm, Natalie Wood? Yeah, I can sort of see the resemblance. But, I still think that you are the splitting image of Anne Hathaway. As Tsuzuki would say, "The resemblance is uncanny." lol (Good 'ol Tsuzuki). Anywho, I was watching "Get Smart" yesterday and every time I saw Anne Hathaway in a scene, I felt like I was watching YOU in the movie. (No, effing joke.) But, you shouldn't be offended cuz she's very pretty and an amazing actress (like you). So, you have more than one thing in common. *smiles* Hey, maybe you could even co-star in the sequal. (If they make one.) lol Anyways, wow, I wish we had intelligent conversations like that in my school. But, where I live, I'm fortunate if I can even UNDERSTAND half the stuff these people are saying. But, it's nice to dream, isn't it? At any rate, okay, I'm done procrastinating now. Time to die-er, I mean, do my homework. Laterz! *hugs*

Lotsa luv!!!


Re: Wow, you are the queen of randomness in this post... saccharinesin September 13 2008, 02:57:17 UTC
Haha, of course I am. It's how I stay so rad :D

Hey, I'm a very friendly person - I communicate all the time! DO YOUR HOMEWORK, WOMAN. DO IT. And don't let your brain explode - that would be most tragic O_O

I still can't believe that she came back already. And her lack of explanation is so unfair to you, too. Yeah, it's nice that she's back, but the only thing is that there's going to be the same amount (if not more) of drama now. Not to mention the drama she's creating with her disappearing act stuff. Well, at least she's not acting anorexic anymore.

Yeahhhhh... I gotta run lines with people this weekend. I was gonna do it with Dylan yesterday, but we ended up talking about other crap and then Dad came home so I had to get off the phone. But yeah. Supposedly we're going to get together this weekend.


OMGOMGOMGOMG TSUZUKIIIIIIIII!!! I MISS MY HOT MAN-LOVIN' INTELLECTUALLIOYNM. We should watch it when you come for the anniversary party, y/y? PS, I think I am sort of in love with Muraki. .... wtf self?

Okay, I have to keep looking for a dress for the party - all of them are sooooo slutty. Ugh.


Also, your comment was like a novel, I love it :D


Re: Wow, you are the queen of randomness in this post... xxphobiaxx September 13 2008, 16:40:35 UTC
Hmm, so "rad", you say? Yeah, I can see how randomness would make you rad. lol Yeah, I know you're friendly. Very, VERY friendly. And that shows in your constant "communicating" habits. Not that that's a bad thing. I mean, that's why we love you!!! ;P Okay, well, not the WHOLE reason, but, PART of the reason. Plus, I have a habit of talking (or rambling) a lot, too, sometimes. So, it's all good. :D

Hey!! Don't judge me!! I know I'm not the only procrastinator in the world. In fact, I've never met another teenager who didn't like to procrastinate. Have you? (I didn't think so.) lol Well, if you ever meet someone like that, just let me know and we can gang up on them and take them down. (They're disgraces to teenagers everywhere!!!) hehe Yeeeeaaaahhhh, it would kinda suck if my head exploded only cuz it would be such a mess to clean up! (I feel bad for the schmuk who gets suckered into THAT job.)

*Sighs* Yeah, well that's you-know-who for you. I mean, like, I'm becoming desensitized to it now cuz I'm so used to it. (At least, I THINK I am.) So, I guess there's SOME perks to putting up constantly with crap from people........right? (*waits nervously for reassurance*) And I guess being distracted with school doesn't hurt in this situation. Hopefully she won't bring back more drama with her. (Maybe it will die down or something...?) Gah! *Wishful thinking* Yeah, I know, I'm being an idiot to think that, but I gotta look foreward to SOMETHING. Haha, this is true. Not being anorexic anymore definitely decreases the amount of moodiness in a person. (And I have seen a little bit of a change in her mood for the better.) Which is good.

Yay! I know you'll get a lead in the play!! (But, not cuz you're a senior and you have priority, but because you're just rad like that! lol) Haha, Why are you so put off by being told you look like Anne Hathaway??? I mean, COME ON!!! I would be flattered if someone told me I looked like her!

Haha, yes, Tsuzuki is a hawt piece of man meat!!! lolz! Yes, We should definitely watch it when I come up for the party!!! (Should I bring my copies or do you have your own?) I will also bring up my TMNT dvd's, too. I dunno if we'll have time to watch them, but I'll still bring them up. Eww!!! Muraki?? Why, for the love of all things SEXY, would you be in love with MURAKI????? *gags* He's so ugly and creepy and just...just...just....icky. Okay, okay, maybe I'm being a little overdramatic. So, if he loses the ugly earring(s) (does he have more than one?) and lose the weird DUB voice, I could see him being rape worthy. ;P

At any rate, yeah. I'm gonna have to go shopping for a dress, too. I mean, I could use my black and white floor length one, but that ones sorta big and I dunno if I'd have time to get it taken in before the party. But, we'll see. Oh, yeah sorry about writing you a book with my last comment. (See what I mean when I say I get sorta carried away sometimes?) Well, it didn't look so big when I was typing it in the little box thing. Then, I posted it and it was like 500 pages long! (And this one will probably be the same way, so I apologize in advance....) Anyways, I miss you!!! Can't wait to see you soon!!! *Huggles*

Love forever and always!


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