goodbye 2017, hello 2018.

Dec 31, 2017 22:36

As it is new year's in Japan, it's new year's in my book, haha. Can't believe another year flew by so quickly. Happy new year! 良いお年を!

I thought it might be fun to write a looking-back type of post so here's my 2017 (LJ/subbing) in review! it's gonna be a messy post w/o anything heartfelt probs lol i suk sorrz

I wrote 42 entries, and received SO MANY(!!!) comments in return. I have nothing but thanks for all the people that have watched/enjoyed the things I upload and are so kind to leave a comment :") They're my favorite things to read and you won't believe how much they make me happy.

Also! As I've mentioned before, someone gifted me a premium package (thank you <3) so I can look at my journal statistics! :D


---My most commented/visited month was July! Wowza. Guess what I uploaded that month? ...The Kakurega Arashi ep with Oguri Shun and Okada-kun, and HSJ on TOKIO Kakeru. やっぱすごいわ。

I can also see who my top commenters are, how cool is that!

Thank you so much guys ;; <3 And everyone else who's ever left a comment :) <3 I am eternally grateful.
.I thought I'd mention some of my personal fave things I subbed/worked on this year, too. I'm gonna try and limit this into three, in no particular favorite order hahaha.

1. Sexy Zone on Yakai

I obviously had help rough timing this (thank you bekissu & pravitrafyq), but I spent SO MUCH TIME on the typesetting and fine timing it frame by frame making sure it all appeared accordingly and that the color coding/effects are perfect. This year was a year of typesetting practice.

I'd like to think I've improved on this aspect this year. I had so much fun with it, too.

2. Yoko on TOKIO Kakeru

The TOKIO Kakeru that hooked me to subbing a thousand other TOKIKake. I've now done five subs for TokiKake, it's crazy. Hopefully I'll do more in the future. It's a damn good show.

3. Double Mints

AHHH. You have no idea how much it means to me that I got to sub one-of-my-favorite-mangas-that-turned-into-one-of-my-favorite-live-action ;-; Not to mention I don't sub movies that often at all! I'm so glad I did this one.

.Ugh. Again, I can't believe another year is already over. I got to know so many new people this year through the fandom and online, it's been wonderful. I'm very thankful for everyone and all the opportunities that's come my way.

My 2018 will start off with the most stressful exam on the 4th of January but THAT TOO SHALL PASS! Further ahead I have my minor thesis to worry about and all the other things that comes with being a 3rd year medical student lol. AHHHHHHHH I'm so nervous.


Thanks for reading. Once again, happy new year. Have a good one.



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