The live action of Nakamura Asumiko-sensei's hit manga, Double Mints, revolving around the relationship of two guys with the same name Mitsuo Ichikawa. Stars Tanaka Shunsuke and Fuchikami Yasushi as the two Mitsuo, and Suga Kenta and Kawagoishi Shunpei as younger Mitsuos.
It is hands down one of my favorite BL live action. I recommend it if you don't mind some violence and/or depictions of abuse and some teeny tiny bit of non-con stuff. It's not for the faint of heart. But it's also not too bad. But then again what would I know. My threshold is all messed up with these things, haha. ---
--- I knew too late that someone already subbed this, and I thought about dropping it but I was mostly finished so I figured I'd upload it anyway. Timing was from Korean subs provided by teramensu from yaoiotaku, raws and subs from yours truly.
Did everything by ear as usual other than some Korean lines that I asked around for hehe, so there's bound to be inaccuracies and mistakes, especially in tenses and/or spelling. Sorry.
Moving the hardsubs over to a locked post in about a week, but I'm keeping this post open with the softsubs so no worries.
Please leave a comment if you enjoy! I know there's less people that watch these things than the amount of people that watch my other stuff, but I hope some of you do give this a go hehe.
Tell me what you think, too! I'd love to spazz about it some more <3
Don't reupload, redistribute, or modify without permission!
[spoiler-free thoughts]Everyone's acting was SO GOOD and they were all super true to the characters, I seriously couldn't ask for a better live action huhuhu I love this SO MUCH. Other than (white) Mitsuo being more tame/submissive than I remember, they were all pretty spot on. They obvs changed some of the story around but it still maintained it's core(?) message and the best part about the whole thing, which is the absolute yearning between the two Mitsuos. I am very happy and glad I bought the LE DVD cause it's honestly better than I expected it would be and it's just so worth it huhu :"
Lemme just say after watching this movie (and rewatching my favorite scenes a gazillion times) I'm finding it hard to see Suga Kenta and Tanaka Shunsuke as... not Mitsuo. LOL.