Old Guard vid recs!

Feb 01, 2021 00:14

I got the first dose of the vaccine! \o/

I showed up an hour late for my appointment because of Reasons and still from the moment I came in the door to the moment when they were done injecting me it was maaaaaybe 3 minutes. Possibly 2.

Everything was just so well organized. I didn't need any ID on me, I could come in and just punch my national ID number into the machine which then automatically placed me in the queue even though my appointment had passed an hour ago.

I sat down and looked at the monitors and saw there were 4 numbers before mine, so I thought cool I'll chill for a few minutes, opened twitter, started typing a tweet, and before I could finish TYPING A TWEET they announced my number and I had to go. I thought they'd send me to some kind of check in area to get my info, but no they sent me directly to the nurse who checked some things on her mobile device, asked me some standard questions and then injected me.

At one point I told her I'm not good with needles, to explain why I'd be looking away while she did it, and she immediately responded with "oh do you want to do this lying down???" because apparently that was an option they were prepared for! lol

Anyway, it was over in a second, I was asked to wait in a different waiting area for 15 minutes to make sure there were no allergic reactions, and then I drove to
roga's and we went for a walk in the park, had lunch, watched the final episodes of the Good Place (which I'd never seen).

I have a mild headache, but not bad enough to take painkillers, and some soreness in the area of the injection. My mom said for her the day after the jab was the worst one, so we'll see how I wake up tomorrow? But at least today was pretty OK.


OMG it's Festivids *________________* my favorite time of the year!

This year I want to highlight two Old Guard fanvids that blew me away. Because we're talking about a single movie, and because there have already been quite a few good fanvids about it, the clips can get repetitive (these two fanvids use the same finale clips for example) and ruin the experience a bit, so I would suggest waiting a few hours or a day in between watching these, for the full effect.

They're both REALLY GOOD and gave me ALL THE FEELINGS and I want you to watch them! But if you know you're going to watch one of these and then forget to come back for the other, make it Raise It Up.

1. Rabbit Heart (Raise It Up)

Look, one of my favorite fanvids in the world is an SPN vid set to this song (I've never seen a single episode of SPN that featured the characters in question), I think it has AMAZING potential in any fandom where characters die, and so I was SUPER EXCITED when I saw it used for the Old Guard, where death happens repeatedly.

There are SO many wonderful moments in this, I love how thoroughly it's Nile's story and Andy's story but you get glimpses of the other characters as well and each glimpse DESTROYS YOU. Truly is there a better way to sum up The Old Guard than with the repeated lines "this is a gift / it comes with a price"?

Mostly I love that this vid takes an action movie and recontexualizes it to focus on all the angst and drama and character moments, the deep themes about mortality and sacrifice and loss. It's like the fanfic version versus the canon version. This vid is just a whole other separate Old Guard movie that's just emotional punches one after the other, and it will live in my heart forever.

2. Never Look Away

SUCH A GOOD VID. It gives you all the team dynamics, especially Andy/Nile and Nicky/Joe through SUCH skillful editing, it's just breathtaking to watch over and over again. If anyone but a super experienced vidder made this I will eat my hat. The choice of clips, the juxtapositions, the emotional moments, the impact of a few particularly powerful shots, everything is just SO WELL DONE it really is impossible to look away from.

Basically, if it's been a while since you've watched the movie, this vid will bring back all those feelings with all their wonderful faces and action scenes and team dynamics and couple dynamics. Just, mesmerizing to watch and super fulfilling and fun.
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fandom: the old guard, festivids, covid19

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