(no subject)

Apr 24, 2018 13:40

I have been sick for... a really long time. Like 2 weeks at this point, and all because of a cold. Ugh. Partially it's that as I was getting better I went to work for 3 days to finish an urgent project and... yeah. Collapsed for like 6 days again.

I finished reading Jeannette Ng's Under the Pendulum Sun and enjoyed it even though it is absolutely not my kind of book (it's psychological horror top to bottom, which I normally can't do at all). I considered pitching a review of it somewhere but decided I'm sufficiently friends with the author at this point that it would just feel weird. (Jeannette and I met in London last summer, where she livetweeted my lecture and we later briefly hung out and have kept in touch through twitter. I remember her casually mentioning she had a "book coming out" soon. It's been super great to see the book do well.)

Other than that I've basically been staring at walls and trying not to die and feeling anxious about all the things I need to write but am not writing. (At least I finished my review of S2 Jessica Jones! It's now with the editor.)

Anyway, my one contribution to society, I guess, is a rec for a Black Sails fic (brought to my attention by the amazing
rydra_wong) that I read just before getting sick and really enjoyed.

Closer to the Water (12432 words) by mapped
Fandom: Black Sails
Rating: Explicit
Relationships: Mark Read/Jack Rackham, Anne Bonny/Jack Rackham/Mark Read, Mark Read/Anne Bonny
Summary: Mark Read finds himself drawn further and further in.

This is a lovely fic about Mark Read becoming Jack Rackham's boyfriend and getting drawn into the canonical polyamory of Jack/Anne/Max and it's really lovely and basically the epilogue I was really hoping for for those characters.

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fandom: black sails, books, rec, health

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