ah, misery

Apr 12, 2018 23:07

This week is... I wish I could just skip over it in the space-time continuum.

No phone (it's still at the repair shop where they're trying to figure out if it can be revived), sick at home, on my period (\o/), overwhelmed and stressed by various private conversations on facebook (not related to anyone reading this) and today? Today I woke up and realized I completely lost my voice. Like, completely. I can barely whisper.

Everything is misery and boredom, and I have to go back to work on Sunday to work on a project that has to go up next week and I'm pretty sure I won't be fully recovered by then, and I just want to die.

On the upside: I stared at Troy: Fall of a City until it ended (it's on netflix) and they cast black actors to play Achilles and Patrocles and then had them make out on the beach and have a threesome with Briseis. Like, I'm not saying that show is good, because it's not - it's mostly like watching a weirdly scripted but excellently acted British theater production - but that thing happens in episode 4 and well, that was nice.

Anyway, life is pretty blah right now and IDK when it'll get better and if you're feeling inclined to tell me nice things about why you're reading my journal or how we know each other or just want to share something positive/happy that's happened to you lately, I'm definitely here for that.

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life stuff, phone, health, misery

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