What Not to Say In Mixed Company. Author: lilithrain.
Rating: NC - 17.
Pairing and/or Characters: Gabriel/Sam, Castiel, Balthazar, Benny (mentioned), Dean, Mindy (ODC = Orginal dog character).
Spoilers: None.
Warnings: hurt/comfort, swearing (mostly on Dean’s part), psycho possessive older brother Gabriel, Castiel teaching Dean, cat fights, cockblocking, unmentionable enchocian insults, comedy.
Word Count: 4,245.
Summary: Sam takes Enochian lessons in order to talk to Gabriel properly, who is thrilled to teach him.
Notes: Happy Birthday mangacrack and many happy returns. I hope you enjoy this piece. it ended up being very much of a comedy adn there's also an enochian version of this story to download as a PDF. Written partially in angelic script. I hope you have an awesome birthday and enjoy the fun I had with the boys here.