Natie the dog block. Author: lilithrain.
Rating: PG - 13.
Pairing and/or Characters: Sam/Gabriel, ODC (aka Original Dog Character: Natie the corgi), Castiel and Dean Winchester.
Spoilers: None, could be set in any season where Dean has been away and returned.
Warnings: hurt/comfort, fluff, Cosplay, gastro porn, Sammy using his puppy face for evil, Sam bitch-facing Gabriel, Gabriel not getting any, Dean “Mr Tough Love” Winchester, My Candy Love addicts, food play.
Word Count: 7,377.
Summary: Prompt: Gabriel wanted to give Sam the dog he’s always wanted, he just didn’t count on the dog loving Sam, to cock block him.
Notes: Happy Birthday loveinstars. I hope you enjoy this birthday fan fiction. Sorry if I might be a little late but the day I chose, which would have been yesterday to do the last chapters was a day for me. But today I finished it and I hope you enjoy the story. It will have a PDF to download as well, and if you'd like a photobucket album of the images used for the story, i'll post hose up too. But for now, i really hope you anjoy the story. The chapters are in bold and are either song titles or lyrics. Happy birthday and many happy returns.