Post-vacation post

Mar 10, 2009 05:54

I’m glad I came back on Saturday. Although I had a great vacation, it was nice to have yesterday to get my act together. I’d like to think that I came back with a more positive attitude.

Friday was the first day that almost warm enough to sit out by the pool. My mom and I took a walk in the morning and sat out in the afternoon. I had a business conference call for almost two hours in the afternoon which I took out by the pool. I didn’t want to give up the sun. I ended up getting a decent burn on parts of my legs and arms. It was windy and almost too cold, but I didn’t want to leave. And the call was very useful.

We went out for dinner Friday night. I had lobster again. It wasn’t fabulous but even not fabulous is pretty good.

I got to finish Eureka, Season 2. This is such a clever show. I’m looking forward to the DVDs for Season 3. Either that or I’ll figure out how to get Season 3 online first. I even finished the first of two baby bibs. I’m not excited to work on the next one. Since the baby in question is newly born, I don’t think I need to rush. I want to work on Rose of Sharon if I have any stitching time.

I’ve decided that Atlanta Hartsfield Airport can is akin to a Roach Motel. Planes go in but they never come out. Both of my flights into Atlanta were flawless. Early. Both of my flights leaving Atlanta were late. The one returning to SLC was late because they didn’t start loading baggage until after the boarding door was closed. Talk about stupid. But the flight was uneventful for all that.

I got a decent number of projects done Sunday, so I ended my vacation on a positive note. I even prepped dinner tonight. All I have to do is cook. Everything’s been chopped and sliced. Last night I seared Ahi tuna. It was terrific.

I’ve decided to make a concerted effort to be online less. Facebook, Webkinz, and even LJ are big time wasters for me. I have too many other things to do to get caught up in soundbytes. Though I spent a fair amount of time playing with Webkinz yesterday. I’ve only been on once in the last 2-3 weeks. There have been so many system problems that it hasn’t been worth it. Yesterday was nice and smooth. I send my niece gifts online and she loves that.

Finished 3 books since my last books post.

#26, Cold Case, by Stephen White. From my Goodreads review: This very complex mystery was definitely a page turner. You're pointed to the guilty party from the beginning but it isn't clear what he's guilty of until the end. In fact, there are many guilty parties and it doesn't become obvious how many mysteries there are until people start admitting their roles. Alan and Lauren are called into to Locard, an organization that investigates cold cases, to help solve the mutilation murder of two teen girls 10 years ago. It almost costs Alan his life. Great characters. I hope we see more of them in future books. 4 stars

#27, You Belong to Me, by Marisa de los Santos. From my Goodreads review: This was a fabulous story about women, relationships and life. The characters felt very true to life. When Cornelia and Teo move from NYC to suburban Philadelphia, they could never have imagined how their lives would grow and change and neither could the other women who cross Cornelia's path. Really enjoyed this. 4 stars.

#28, The Temptation of Night Jasmine by Lauren Willig. From my Goodreads review: I was disappointed in this novel. While I liked Robert and Charlotte (a lot more than Eloise and Colin) I didn't see the point of this story. The bit about King George was interesting but only in a vague sense. I've also begun to actively dislike Eloise. I think the series has a lot of merit, but with this book, it took me forever to get to a point where I thought it was interesting. 2 stars

I’m juggling a bunch of books right now. Too many library books heading my way. Too many still at home. I enjoyed being able to read guilt-free. I had on my to-do list to finish the Lauren Willig, mostly because it was taking me too long. Having it on my to-do list made reading it almost guilt-free.

It’s snowing now. Hard. I’m not looking forward to driving in it. I’m going straight home. No errands, no stops at the post office. I’m going home, cleaning house, making dinner, prepping lunch for tomorrow, and probably reading. Sounds like a plan to me. Edit: I went home. I did make dinner. I went to bed. And now I'm getting ready to be at work before 7. Yay.

books 2009, vacation, movies/dvd, travel

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