Alas, Alack and just plain Balls . . .

Sep 24, 2009 11:07

I didn't get the house.  Somebody outbid me by about $15,000.

Strangely, I don't feel nearly as bad about it as I did when I thought my application for a home loan had been shot down.  I guess, with the loan thing it was just representative of my epic level of fail at life, whereas when I was outbid, well . . . thems the breaks.  I was beaten fair and square and can't really get that upset about it.

So I'm back to shopping for a place.

Also, holy shit; I actually had somebody be disappointed when I drew thier blood today because they thought they had 'dirty blood'.

Crazy Lady: Ooooh, that's not very healthy, is it?

Me: What isn't very healthy?

Crazy Lady: Look; it's dirty!

Me: . . . . . . what's dirty?

Crazy Lady: My blood!  It's all dark!  I was always told that when your blood was dark like that, it means it's dirty!

Me:  . . . *only the fact that I'm holding sharp biohazardous products keep me from facepalming*  It's dark because we got it out of a vein.  Veins are on thier way back to the lungs to get oxygen.  When it comes out of an artery it's bright red because it's just come from the lungs.

Crazy Lady:  Oh.  . . . . . . . . . . . that's good to know.

'Dirty blood'?  Seriously?  Why don't I just slap some leeches on there and we'll see if we can get your black bile level up to snuff.  Let me drill a hole in your skull while we're at it.

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