Thrift Shop Score!

Mar 18, 2015 15:43

Sometimes, hidden in those little shops, is a small treasure worth shelling out a couple bucks for.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, hardcover, UK edition. First. Freaking. Edition! $3.

::cackles madly::

Okay, it's a little rough around the edges, and the back has been broken, but the pages are smooth and not dogeared, and it hasn't been faded, chewed on or spilled on, so I call it a win. :)

In other news, I did not get the job I applied for, but they kept my application and sent it over to the grocery side, as they think I will be an excellent choice there rather than as a cashier. So, ::crosses fingers::

And now, I need to start writing up my handout for the spinning class at MISTI. ::cracks knuckles::
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