
Jan 31, 2014 12:04

Have finally caught up on livejournal (took all morning!), was some 300+ entries. Some I could skip, some I could skim, and the rest I just had to read. Sadly, no time to comment. Still trying to catch up on home life. Wireless experiment at my mother's was a failure. Will try with a less powerful wifi in March.

What has gone on: Went off to my mother's on Sunday. Mom was getting an angioplasty on Tuesday, pre-op testing on Monday, and there was the possibility of her going straight to the operating table on Tuesday if the doctor was unsatisfied with the results.

Good news: aside from the seriously deteriorated aortic valve, her heart and arteries are in excellent health. For a 72 year old, she has no signs of heart disease, hardening of the arteries or narrowing of the arteries. Bad news: if the valve isn't replaced, it will kill her within the next year or so. :P Alas, surgeon wants her to see a dentist and get any and all dental work done before the surgery. So, we have tentatively planned for the surgery to happen around the 1st of March, in order to hunt down a dentist and get the work done.

Bad news: I will be away from home for a good 6-8 weeks, and without pay. Lee's pay has already taken a $100/month hit due to us adding son #2 and vision coverage (finally offered!). So we will be scraping by badly.

Bad News: lee is being treated for PTSD from an "incident" in the Navy and the resulting low-level depression has reared it's ugly head tot he point that we had to have one of the boys come over and take the firearms out of the house. :P Lee is now on an antidepressant, but it seems to have made him ridiculously manic. I think I need to have a talk with his VA doctor (again). No one ever listens to the wife. >:P

Bad news: the only running vehicle is in dire need to major work to keep it running. Will have to wait for tax return. ::crosses fingers::

Bad news: hospital wants $2900 from us last month, paid in full. Am working on getting paperwork together for financial assistance. Was supposed to go out in the mail while I was gone. Yet, it's still sitting here, not even printed off yet. It was due... yesterday, I think. ::headdesks:: (did I mention I'm going to be out of work for the duration?)

Bad news: will probably be moving my mother (again!) closer to me. She has decided to sell her car- it needs work, she can no longer afford the insurance, and until her valve gets fixed and she is done with recovery and any rehab, she is under a no-driving directive from the doctor. luckily, she has wonderful neighbors who are happy to run her about to her appointments, grocery shopping and laundry. But it is probably time for her to move closer, so we can keep her independent. She will have to purge quite a bit of stuff, but will still need somewhere large enough for her books and her quilting, yet still within her price range. Guess who gets to do the footwork? ::headdesks::

Good news: I haven't run off screaming. Yet.
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