Went to the doc today, and started with "You're gonna be mad..." And he said, "Why?" And I said, "TennCare" -- and he said, "Ah...." It was much better from then out... :-)
Just got back from the ENT. Still deaf (because of mucous and air), but the infection is definitely gone,! Yeah! Got to take four more days (plus what I already have) of antibiotics to make sure it stays gone--but no hospital for me. Wheeee! Now, to get ready for that Wiccan 3rd I was so silly and signed up for... [grins]
Okay cicerotully says that his company isn't the one with the guarantee; and also that although my nephrologist told me that my pneumonia was caused by pneumococcus several weeks afterward (March or April), he says that the infectious disease doc at the time I was in the hospital (Jan/Feb) said it was an atypical bug, and not pneumococcus at that time.
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