Aug 30, 2008 12:30
So I'm guessing that they're hoping that substituting one pair of ovaries for another will get them the votes they want but if that is what they really believe, then they're flat out WRONG. My ovaries are not what is leading me to vote for Obama and not what originally had me on HRC's side. What I wanted was something else, something different, someone I could believe in.
Listening to the bit of Palin's speech as I was driving to lunch I realized that she is nothing for the party to crow about. She spouted the same tired lines about McCain being a maverick and someone who would change things in Washington despite the fact that we all know now that he voted with Bush 90% of the time that he has been in office. 90%. That is not a change, that is indeed business as usual and her lip service to not being in politics to uphold the "Status quo and play it safe" is bullshit.
McCain et. al, we are not impressed. Now kiss our collective ovaries and got to hell.