Oct 24, 2010 23:26
I always find that backpackers are the most interesting people, many stories to tell, expressing adventure filled charisma to all those seeking it. I used to think that people who didnt want to listen to a good backpacker adventure were too jealous yet at the same time too unambitious to be inspired by those who have seen and experienced awesome things.
I had a revelation recently that people who constantly travel and seek new experiences will always be great to talk to, as you know them well enough for them to be interesting however you know that by the time they possibly get boring and dull - they would have left already. The same attitude goes for their side, too.
I guess the same can be related to a one night stand, the risk of knowing someone too much could lead to attachment and the risk of becoming stagnant and burdoned to someone you do not find interesting after the interesting life tales have been told already... so the single serving friend exists for a fleeting moment in ones life. Some live in a collection of fleeting moments to ensure that the mind is constantly stimulated.
Some backpackers may be addicted to traveling because they know that if they become stale, they will find other people boring and people may find them boring. They may be traveling as a selfish act, instead of finding selfless perspective.
The friend at the pub who is jealous yet uninspired to listen to the backpacker story, may simply be wondering what drives the person telling the story, is it simply for the story to be told to others to constantly seek an attention giving reaction, or do they do it for their own self improvement, modestly. What kind of person will the backpacker become when the storm dies and the inevitable drought of stagnantation arrives in its savage, unending depression.
Will they feel self accomplishment for themselves, in the way that it is then difficult for them to become lonely knowing that they have achieved their personal atonement, they are proud for the great actions for themselves; Or will they be in a pit if pure loneliness in that the tales have been told, the pain after the constant attention will come crushing down, as the actions were not for their selves but to act only as an attention magnet.
It could also be extreme lack of self esteem, some may believe that they are completely inadequate and uninteresting without trying to fill the surface with something interesting for them to feel some temporary sense of self worth.
Regardless, when traveling it can be difficult identifying the two types of backpacker, as all that is usually spoken of is from the aura of adventure... to push the addiction further, mutual acceptance.