Feb 08, 2009 22:48
With the coming of Valentine's Day and everyone having a shitfit with their plans, it's got me thinking. Why do we put ourselves through this year after year? Why is it that we submit ourselves to the season? It is for the sake of getting fucked? Why, I think so. Is it because of some twisted sense of duty? It probably is.
Here's a fucking wake-up call for all of the romantics out there, St. Valentine's Day is just another day. Same as Christmas and Thanksgiving. Seriously, it's just another day. But everyone gets us all hyped up over this to the point that we feel obligated and compelled to do it. Let's take each of the three in turn.
St. Valentine's Day: Here's a day that we are all supposed to dote upon our respective lovers or for some even find a lover. To me, we should all be doing the former every gods damned day and the latter sounds an awful lot like prostitution to me, only there's no money. That is, if you don't bother to count all of the money being spent to woo these people to be with you that night. For those that already have lovers, this is nothing more than a ploy for many to get fucked. We should all be ashamed of ourselves for this one, but worry not, there are worse things as we move through the year.
Thanksgiving: Ah, yes, at nearly the opposite end of the year comes the day of thanks. We all eat a massive meal in the fashion of our ancestors who might actually kick our own asses if they saw how we remember them. All gathered around the table giving thanks to those around us, yet I wonder why we don't do this more often, say every fucking day. Much like Valentine's Day, we shouldn't ever limit ourselves to giving thanks for that which we have.
Christmas: This one's got me puzzled for a few reasons, it really does. Christmas is a day upon which we are kind to our fellow man and (in the case of Christians) celebrate the birth of Jesus. First off, Jesus wasn't born in winter. The second is the plain and simple fact that we only take this one day to be truly kind to each other. I've seen people the day before, day of, and day after Christmas. Only on the day of Christmas are they even remotely decent people, the other days of the year they're total assholes. If we really wanted Christmas to mean half a fuck, shouldn't we be nice to our fellow man all year round? Take a few posts back, I was talking about an old man that had given me a ride in to work. It's little things like that that I'm talking about.
In recap, in all truth, these holidays shouldn't exist. They serve only as reminders of how truly depraved we have all become, that we actually need a calender to tell us when to be loving, when to be thankful, and to be kind is so sickening to me. It's why I never hold these holidays in any sort of importance. If the sentiments that these days convey actually mean a fucking thing, then why not to them everyday? Why not show your lover just how much they mean, why not let those you're thankful for knowing know of that fact everytime to see them, why not be nice to everyone as you do these things?