If you're wondering if I've slept, you must be new here

Dec 05, 2011 10:19

So. The challenge at
kink_bingo this month is tiny little fanworks! So here is an adorable (for certain values of the word adorable) little bite-sized blackout for you. 25 stories, each at or under 100 words. NC-17, with nothing really to warn about, other than the kinks themselves. The fandoms and pairings are (deep breath):

Fandoms: Ace Attorney, Stargate Atlantis, Metalocalypse, Blake's 7, SG-1, XMFC, X-Men movieverse, Inception, Star Trek (2009), MythBusters RPF

Pairings: Franziska/Gumshoe, John/Rodney, Elizabeth/Teyla, Pickles/octopus, Weir/Caldwell, John/Caldwell, Servalan/Travis, Sam/Daniel/Jack, John/Ronon, Charles Xavier/OFC, Teyla/Kanaan, Mystique/Wolverine, Ariadne/Eames, Charles/Pickles, Charles Xavier/others, John solo, Lorne/any, Kirk/Bones, Rodney/others, John/Rod, Tory/Grant/Adam, Miles/Phoenix, Mia/Diego, Rodney/Teyla/John, Avon/Servalan

Kinks: gags, domestic / tradesman kink, sensation play, tentacles, subspace / headspace, whipping / flogging, painplay (other), genital torture, leather / latex / rubber, caning, phonesex / epistolary, scars / scarification, wildcard (gender play), drugs / aphrodisiacs, body alteration / injury, enemas, anonymity, medical kink, orgies and decadence, mirrors and doubles, fucking machines, animal play, sex toys (non-penetrating), pegging / strap-ons, emotion play


Franziska has to rate the ball gag as her third favorite way to shut Gumshoe up; one would be pushing his face against her cunt, two would be kissing him, but placing third isn't bad. It's especially nice because it means she can see his face, his wide eyes full of fear and awe. Yes, she might even have to bump it up the list, because only it lets her watch him worship her.

domestic / tradesman kink

"Hey," John says, in his best and most manly voice, shirt half-undone, toolbelt slung low around his hips, "I'm here about your plumbing."

It is the worst kind of porn dialogue, and Rodney does not give a fast fuck. "Please, please, come," he says. "Shit, I mean, uh, would you like to come in?"

John's grin is dirty and wide, and Rodney gulps.

sensation play

Elizabeth's fingertips drag down the small of her back like raindrops on a pane of glass; Teyla shivers, but she doesn't move, even as Elizabeth's hands curl, making her fingernails rake gently across her skin. She's not ready for the smooth slide of a palm over the curve of her hip, nor the soft kiss that follows after it, but she bears it, despite the fact that her hands long to touch, for the feeling of Elizabeth's soft skin underneath them.


Kind of not what Pickles was thinking about when he decided to trip balls and commune with his spirit animal, but the octopus's slippery arms feel great encircling him, the suckers working gently on the underside of his dick. He leans back- well, he thinks it's back, they're floating, so it's relative- and lets it roam over him, lets the two of them become one.

subspace / headspace

Elizabeth is still breathing heavily, and Caldwell's lap is such a nice place to rest her head. His hand is stroking her hair, and everything else is sort of vague, hazy, like it's far away. It can stay, for all she cares, as long as she can have this.

whipping / flogging

John walks in while he's practicing, and John leans back against the doorframe and watches. He never gets to see it from this side, nor is he ever clearheaded when it's happening, and it's fascinating. Caldwell's not even working hard at it; he's just moving his wrist and the flogger is doing what he wants, falling over and over again on either side of the target. It's so powerful and so effortless, and it makes John want nothing more to go to his knees in front of him.

So he does.

painplay (other)

They're called vampire gloves, and where Servalan got them is immaterial. The point, so to speak, is the way they dig into Travis's neck when she pushes him down to the floor, reminding him exactly how fucked he really is.

genital torture

Sam's grip is tightening, and Daniel looks at the ceiling, up past the suspension cuffs and chains; the pain in his balls is already excruciating, but he's not a hundred percent sure that he wouldn't come anyway if he had to see the look in Sam's eyes when she does it.

"Hell, he can take more than that," Jack scoffs, and Daniel bites his lip so hard it bleeds.

leather / latex / rubber

Ronon's cock tastes like sweat and leather, and John can't even handle how fucking hot that is.


The cane has strange associations for Charles, being a proper English boy; it never happened to him, because he was only ever exactly as bad as he was good at covering it up, but plenty of boys in his school got stripes for their offenses.

Twenty years on, and he's bending over so a very charming woman can do the same to him; the only thing that bothers him is that he doesn't know whether he likes it despite or because of his upbringing.

He's still going to do it; he'd just like to know how dirty it is.

phonesex / epistolary

"Unscheduled offworld activation. Receiving Kanaan's IDC."

"Lower it."

No one walked through; a piece of paper fluttered in, and then it shut off. Rodney was the first to grab it. "Rodney," Teyla said reproachfully, reaching to take it away.

"It's for you," he said, but just before he passed it over, something caught his eye. "What the- holy shit, Teyla, are- are you sexting through the stargate?!" He pushed the letter into her hands. "Not my business, take this, I'm going."

Rodney may have run away, but Teyla held her head high, walking out of the gateroom and into legend.

scars / scarification

Things don't stick with her, because that's how she is, that's her gift, but like it or not, she's kept the three neat lines across her stomach, the ones Wolverine put there. He doesn't understand that they mean she won; she's had him inside her, whether he liked it or not. She's taken that from him, and she'll always have proof.

wildcard - gender play

Eames is the redhead tonight, the one with curls and long eyelashes; the emerald green lingerie is a nice touch, very flattering against her pale skin. He crawls across the bed towards her, and she swallows hard- she can do this, she can really do this, just remember that.

Eames brushes against the bulge in Ariadne's pants with the back of his wrist. "Very impressive," he murmurs.

"Go big or go home," Ariadne says, stuttering a little at the end as he turns his hand and starts to stroke her.

"Not what I meant," he says, grinning. "But close enough."

drugs / aphrodisiacs

Charles only ever comes to his room to do coke, and that's fine. He's the one who gets Pickles the stuff anyway, ever since that one fucked up night in Dallas that he doesn't remember any of.

But, yeah, that's not the only thing he comes to do, cause it makes him horny as hell and a little less concerned about fuckin' things up. So Pickles gets face down, ass up, cause they've both been at this too long to be embarrassed about getting what they want.

And if erection lasts longer than four hours, Pickles ain't callin' shit.

body alteration / injury

Several, several months later, Charles realizes that there's absolutely nothing stopping him from going to bed with lovely people and having them sit on his face. Everyone at the mansion is very embarrassed by him, but it helps, more than he thought it would. He's learning, relearning, and curious hands help, being useful helps. He's not trapped, he's just different, and he's always been different; if he focuses on that, maybe it's not as hopeless as it seems.


It's so much like his first cock; the pressure is overwhelming and he feels so full and he feels like such a whore, such a degenerate slut for liking it, with so much in his head saying it's wrong.

John focuses on his breathing and just tries to get through.


Lorne does not want to know why the fuck there is a glory hole on level 7 of the south tower, he is just trying to get his dick sucked and get out of here, it has been a long week and he does not need this shit right now, please get the fuck out of his way.

medical kink

Jim feels like kind of an asshole- more than usual, anyway- because he's pretty sure Bones hasn't figured out why he only ever wants to fuck in the sickbay. Because it's twenty-five percent Bones and seventy-five percent that there are stirrups in there, and Bones doesn't ever need to know that he could be anybody.

orgies and decadence

Rodney is, ah, not entirely sure how many people it takes to count as an orgy but he's, um, counting at least six heads and, oh my, quite a lot of body parts and there is oil everywhere and people are, oh god, putting their tongues in his places and he's just gonna have to get back to you, because his brain is going offline effective immediately.

mirrors and doubles

When it's done, he and Rod just kind of look at each other, and it's pointless to ignore the disappointment that they share. It wasn't really like he wanted, not at all, because, well, ain't nothing like the real thing, apparently. And he doesn't know what he did that isn't like the other John, and he doesn't even really know what Rod did that isn't like Rodney, except for everything.

I had a wonderful time, but this wasn't it, John thinks to himself. Scratch alternate universes off the list of ways to get what he can't have.

fucking machines

Adam and Grant, well, they've built this thing, right? And it looks fucking awesome and it is scaring the everloving shit out of Tory, because it is big and it has attachments and they are going to fuck him with it.

And they're standing there with expectant, excited looks on their faces, just the way they always look when an experiment is about to get good. And Tory does just what he always does, he lets go and lets them, because they've fucked with him so many times and never fucked him up, and that's all he needs.

animal play

Phoenix doesn't need to ask; he knows it's been a bad day when he finds Miles in the bedroom, already in his ears and tail. "Hey there, kitty," he says, stripping out of his suit jacket, and Miles crawls across the bed, butting his head against Phoenix's stomach. Phoenix scratches him behind his ear, right where he likes, and he can see Miles relax, the way the tightness everywhere starts unwind. His purring is soft and low, and Phoenix tries to keep it coming, keep bringing him down to where he needs to go.

sex toys (non-penetrating)

Mia has always been absolutely adamant that nothing untoward should go on at work, in court, anywhere that's related to their professional lives. She is starting to wish she had expanded that list to include public places in general, because their server is explaining the specials and she has not heard a single word. Diego has the remote for the vibe in his hand and he is flicking it on and off, on and off. She's going to come or punch him in the face; whichever comes first, and she's not sure she'd feel bad about either one.

pegging / strap-ons

The doors in Atlantis sometimes do this thing where they pop open when John walks past. He tries to ignore it, usually, but this is Rodney's room, so he lets himself peek.

He's not a hundred percent sure what he's looking at, except that Teyla's cock is, let's just all admit it right now, huge, and Rodney is taking it like a true champ.

They look up, and everybody freezes.

"Stay or go, but shut the door," Rodney says, annoyed, and there are spots of color high in his cheeks. "You're letting the cool air out."

John stays.

emotion play

His cock is inside her and his hand is around her throat and his gun is against her temple, and Servalan's not going to give him the fucking satisfaction of seeing her sweat. If this is the end, then she's going out on her own terms, not his. She sucks in a breath as he squeezes the trigger.

Nothing happens.

Her eyes are wide and his smile is feral, and this is why it has to be Avon. No one else is as sick as her.

This entry was automagically crossposted from http://sabinetzin.dreamwidth.org/360296.html.
comments over there.

sga, metalocalypse, star_trek, marvel, kink_bingo, fic, mythbusters, femmeslash, blake's_7, het, inception, slash, sg-1, gyakuten_saiban

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