More memes. This really turned into raving/bitching.
Rules: Off the top of your head, right now, what ten 'ships would you likely drop what you're doing to read fic for. Or, alternately, what are the top ten ships that you'll give a fic a chance for, or that you've been dying to write, or that you've been dying to read.... These can be new loves,
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Comments 2
You should write Case/Molly. If you don't I will. Not that I really could. But I did read this poem on (Yeah, I know that sounds like a horrible idea. But it wasn't a bad poem. Ignore the fact that the introduction is sucky, the poem itself is pretty good.)
Psh. Yaoi fangirls look at Jet/Spike funny because neither of them is omg teh bishie. They're just a couple of guys, and that's what I've always liked about them.
We rock the house. ^_^
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