
Apr 12, 2011 18:42

Title: bigger, better (if you could only get there)
Summary: It's been a very long time since Edgeworth went away.
Fandom: Gyakuten Saiban
Word Count: 1500
Rating/Contents: R, post GS4
Pairing: Miles/Phoenix
Size/Length: 7.5 mb; 08:12
Notes: Seriously, you guys, I cut out seven minutes of me 1) screwing up 2) laughing 3) berating the author. I'm almost tempted to cut all that together and post it, because it was pretty epic.

bigger, better (if you could only get there)

Title: better knock me down
Summary: Arthur isn't bothered by the two of them. Really, he isn't.
Fandom: Inception
Word Count: 1812
Rating/Contents: PG-13, jealousy
Pairing: Eames/Ariadne, Arthur/Eames/Ariadne
Size/Length: 9.7 mb; 10:34
Notes: A little soft, because my gain, which was fine on the first one, adjusted itself somehow and made the background a little noisy. But it's good enough for government work.

better knock me down

This entry was automagically crossposted from http://sabinetzin.dreamwidth.org/306329.html.
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fic, inception, podfic, gyakuten_saiban

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